53 pages • 1 hour read
Hofstadter’s introduction highlights each of the three featured figures in the work’s title: Johann Sebastian Bach, Maurits Cornelis Escher, and Kurt Gödel. Hofstadter begins by analyzing Bach’s Musical Offering to Frederick the Great, King of Prussia. Bach inscribed the fugues—short melodies or musical phrases that are repeated and interwoven into the rest of the piece—with the word “ricercar,” meaning “to seek.” Fugues and canons use a self-referential structure, which Hofstadter presents as the foundation of his understanding of consciousness:
“The ‘Strange Loop’ phenomenon occurs whenever, by moving upwards (or downwards) through the levels of some hierarchical system, we unexpectedly find ourselves right back where we started” (10).
M.C. Escher captured strange loops in his art by blending drawing and math. Hofstadter provides a few examples of Escher’s works, including Waterfall and Ascending and Descending, each revealing a strange loop. By following the path of the structures in Escher’s paintings, such as the staircase of a castle in Ascending and Descending, the trail forms an infinite spiral that always returns to beginning. Hofstadter explains that infinity is a key component of strange loops.
The conflict between the infinite nature of a strange loop and the finite nature of human understanding creates a paradox, and paradoxes are a kind of strange loop. Hofstadter provides examples of verbal paradoxes, coined by Gödel as “liar paradoxes,” to illustrate how each relies on self-reference. For two statements to form a paradox, they must point to and refer to one another. Gödel’s incompleteness theorem mathematically reveals the inevitability of strange loops by connecting liar paradoxes with number theory.
Gödel’s incompleteness theorem was a response to mathematicians who sought to prove that a formal axiomatic system could be both consistent and complete, meaning its own properties could be used to determine it free from contradiction. The incompleteness theorem shows that some truths can never be proven by formal systems, and paradoxes are inevitable.
Three-Part Invention
Hofstadter closes in the introduction with his first dialogue, a reprinting of Lewis Carroll’s construction of a Zeno allegory. In this dialogue, Achilles and the Tortoise discuss the nature of their existence as characters created by the philosopher Zeno. As they discuss the racetrack ahead of them, Zeno appears and explains that they will help him prove his theorem that “motion unexists.”
Hofstadter offers a simple puzzle to illustrate the problem with formal systems. The puzzle includes taking a string of letters begin with “MI” and transforming it into “MU” using a prescribed set of rules. These rules represent the structure of a formal system. Attempting to solve the problem using the rules will produce a series of strings which are called “theorems.” Human intelligence looks at theorems and finds patterns. After presenting multiple attempts to solve the MU-puzzle, Hofstadter determines that it is impossible to transform “MI” into “MU” using the formal system provided.
Hofstadter distinguishes between how humans and machines perform this same task. Humans benefit from being able to escape the confines of a formal system. A person reading a book may grow tired and set the book down, returning with a fresh perspective. People who can both find patterns and exit the system find themselves doing so in all aspects of life: “Only a rare individual will have the vision to perceive a system which governs many peoples’ lives, a system which had never before even been recognized as a system” (37). These individuals will dedicate their lives to trying to show others the paradoxical nature of the systems that rule them. Hofstadter argues that human intelligence is defined by its ability to think beyond formal systems. Computers given the formal rules of the MU-puzzle, however, would never think beyond the restrictions the rules create.
Formal systems are a set of rules, defined by axioms and symbols. Hofstadter argues that, while formal systems reveal mathematical truths, they are also limiting. Using the pq-system, Hofstadter further unpacks the limitations of formal systems and the distinct qualities of human intelligence. According to Gödel’s theory, formal systems reveal truths but not all truths. Because of their strict perimeters, formal systems cannot apply the unique pattern-finding quality of human cognition. Hofstadter compares the concepts of rules and meaning-making to linguistics to further illustrate the barrier between formal systems and intelligence. Syntax represents the rules of a formal system. Semantics refers to meaning and interpretation.
Humans are uniquely able to make meaning through reflecting and stepping outside the confines of the system. Hofstadter believes that this intelligence relies on an application of the mathematical concept of “isomorphisms.” These maps reveal two structures which, when placed over one another, contain corresponding parts that preserve the overall structure. When humans apply the principle of isomorphism, they make meaning. Unlike meaningless interpretations that fail to find a connection due to the restrictions of a formal system, meaningful interpretations occur when an isomorphism connects a theorem and reality.
Sonata for Unaccompanied Achilles
In this dialogue, Achilles speaks on the phone to someone named “Mr. T” who is suffering from a stiff neck, a condition called “torticollis.” Only Achilles’s dialogue is shown. Mr. T and Achilles discuss a few riddles. Mr. T claims he hurt his neck by staring at M.C. Escher’s Mosaic II. Achilles invites Mr. T over to listen to Bach. Mr. T says he has a headache from trying to solve a riddle, and Achilles offers a riddle that has puzzled him. Mr. T offers a hint for solving Achilles’s riddle, and Achilles wonders if the hint might apply to the riddle with which Mr. T is struggling.
In this chapter, Hofstadter explores the concepts of “figure” and “ground” and how they relate to various disciplines. The figure represents the point of focus—a human figure or an apple in a still life—and ground is the surrounding context that requires less definition. Figure-ground perception allows humans to distinguish between objects. Escher used recursive figures in art, which would function as both figure and ground simultaneously. In the drawing Tiling of the plane using birds, white birds can function as a background to the black birds, but the reverse is also true: “There exist recognizable forms whose negative space is not any recognizable form” (68). In music, recursive figures form in baroque music, such as Bach’s, when melodies occur both in the melody and accompaniment.
In math, distinguishing between syntax and semantics, or rules and meaning, requires figure-ground perception. Gödel’s incompleteness theorem exhibits the importance of never taking a system at face value. Sometimes, meaning lies outside the axioms of a formal system. Hofstadter practices this by outlining a typographical set of rules to create a formal system for distinguishing prime numbers from composite numbers.
Using these rules, Hofstadter reveals certain truths within the formal structure. Each theorem he applies only uncovers prime numbers through placing composite numbers as the figure. Prime numbers are found in the negative space. Hofstadter was at first astonished by this: “I was quite convinced that not only the primes, but any set of numbers which could be represented negatively, could also be represented positively” (72). Because the negative space (prime numbers) does not mirror positive space (composite numbers), Hofstadter argues that the negative space, or ground, of some formal systems do not submit to the theorems of the figure. Therefore, some formal systems cannot be understood through a typographical procedure. However, prime numbers can be understood as figure by using nondivisibility.
In this dialogue, Achilles visits the Tortoise at his home. The Tortoise tells Achilles that he has been listening to a new genre of music. Mr. T’s friend, the Crab, visited one day and bragged about his new phonograph, which could play any type of music. Mr. T later brought a record he made called “I Cannot Be Played on Record Player 1” to challenge Crab’s boast. When the Crab put the Tortoise’s record in the player, the phonograph shattered.
Determined that the phonograph was not at fault, the Crab bought a more expensive model. Once again, the Tortoise made a record that the phonograph could not play. The two repeated the process until the Crab had a special phonograph designed that could withstand Tortoise’s trick. The Tortoise reminds Achilles of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, and the two end their conversation.
Hofstadter explains the meaning of the dialogue in Chapter 3. “Contracrostipunctus” means the study of the different levels of meaning. Achilles and the Tortoise joke about the Crab’s desperate attempts to prove that his phonograph can play any type of music. However, like Achilles’s failure to catch up to the Tortoise in Chapter 1, the Crab’s theorem is neither consistent nor complete. He is unable to prove his theorem true using the restrictive rules of the formal system—the phonograph. Hofstadter unpacks the various levels of meaning in the allegory, including the symbolism of records and their relationship to music and isomorphisms.
Formal systems are consistent when they do not reveal a contradiction or paradox. Completeness is defined by a formal system’s ability to prove every true statement using its own axioms. Euclidian geometry is a formal system that is both complete and consistent. Its axioms outline a system for finding and recognizing geometric shapes. Gödel’s incompleteness theorem reveals, however, that every formal system cannot prove every true statement within the system using its own rules. Non-Euclidian geometries illustrate this. Incompleteness and inconsistency occur across disciplines.
Little Harmonic Labyrinth
The Tortoise and Achilles visit Coney Island and ride the Ferris wheel. The Tortoise comments that he likes the ride because it seems to move endlessly but always returns to the same spot. The title of the story is the same as a composition by Bach. Hofstadter uses a recursive technique of stories within stories to confuse the overall narrative. While at the top of the Ferris wheel, Achilles and the Tortoise grab a hook that takes them to a helicopter belonging to a tortoise kidnapper. While in the kidnapper’s home, Achilles begins reading a narrative. Hofstadter continues to layer narratives, each referring to earlier storylines.
In this chapter, Hofstadter the ideas of recursion—repeated patterns at different layers of a hierarchy. The dialogue in the previous chapter illustrates this idea by nesting narratives inside other narratives. Hofstadter compares recursion to a Russian doll and explains that it is very similar to a paradox. Recursion appears in all disciplines and emerges in everyday life: “One of the most common ways recursion appears in daily life is when you postpone completing a task in favor of a simpler task, often of the same type” (127). In math, the Fibonacci sequence and Lucas numbers are self-referential and recursive. Music is also heard recursively. The notes conform to a set of rules, and the listener can intuit when a key has not been resolved. Tension is created when rules are challenged, using the negative space of the resolved key for self-reference.
Canon by Intervallic Augmentation
Achilles and the Tortoise finish dinner at a Chinese restaurant. The pair discuss haiku poetry, which is limited to 17 syllables. The Tortoise suggests that such a short poem could not contain much meaning, but Achilles reminds the Tortoise that meaning is made by the reader, not the poem. The Tortoise opens and reads his poem, realizing that it is a haiku. He then discovers that it can also be decoded to form a six-syllable note. Achilles and the Tortoise apply the same principle used to decode the message to music and math, discovering a self-referential pattern.
Hofstadter opens the text by challenging the abilities of formal mathematical systems and considering what lies beyond the borders of axioms and theorems. He asserts that what separates machine intelligence and human intelligence is the ability to set aside a formal system and consider how other possibilities factor into a problem. To overcome the limitations of formal systems, Hofstadter points to human intelligence, which uses pattern-finding and meaning-making through isomorphism, a concept referring to the correspondence between two structures that preserves relationships. An example of an isomorphism in mathematics is the overlay of two structures to create “information-preserving transformation.” In the structure of a house, for example, placing a triangle over a square creates an irregular pentagon that looks like a house. Placing a cut-out of the irregular pentagon over a cut-out of a star means that the points of the house and the points of the star align. This is an isomorphism, or the correspondence between two structures that preserves relationships and demonstrates pattern-finding.
Hofstadter asserts that human intelligence relies on this same overlaying technique for pattern-seeking. By jumbling, resorting, and reconfiguring rules and ideas, placing them atop one another, human intelligence finds patterns that transcend discipline. These first five chapters outline several important concepts that underscore the entire work. Hofstadter opens with Bach’s melodies, which rely on a self-referential structure to lay the foundation of his argument for Self-Reference and Strange Loops. Bach’s fugue formulates one of the three points of the triangle of interdisciplinary study that Hofstadter uses to explore this idea:
“A fugue is like a canon, in that it is usually based on one theme which gets played in different voices and different keys, and occasionally at different speeds or upside down or backwards” (9).
Hofstadter continues structuring the work to reveal self-referential loops across disciplines. He introduces art from Escher, which visually illustrates strange loops, and Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, which highlights the paradoxical nature of mathematics. Self-reference reveals contradictions that challenge the nature of formal systems. The MU-puzzle provides an example of Gödel’s work: By showing that the puzzle could not be solved using the prescribed set of rules, Hofstadter emphasizes the importance of recognizing the limitations of formal systems, and thereby the limitations of both machine and human logic alone.
In the introduction, Hofstadter explains that he will use the technique of dialogues to illustrate his ideas in multiple ways, utilizing Connection and Openness Through Interdisciplinary Approach. Each dialogue uses self-reference to point to concepts in a respective chapter. In Chapter 2, The allegory of Achilles speaking on the phone with Mr. T illustrates isomorphism, as Achilles suggests that a hint for one riddle may work for another: By overlaying the hint onto a second, seemingly unrelated riddle, a meaningful interpretation can be made. The hint Mr. T provides is to utilize “figure” and “ground,” two concepts outlined in Chapter 3.
“Three-Part Invention” is the first dialogue section, offering an exchange between Achilles and Tortoise. This dialogue represents an original allegory by Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea, also known as the Achilles paradox, in which Achilles will never catch up to the tortoise, no matter his speed, if the tortoise is given a head start (“Achilles paradox.” Britannica). This allegory was retold by Lewis Carroll in 1895. In the dialogue presented by Hofstadter, the two characters are self-aware, recognizing that their lives have been constructed by Zeno to engage in a race.
The Tortoise tells Achilles that Zeno’s paradox will determine the race by showing that motion is impossible, but Achilles is confused. Zeno then arrives and explains his theorem to Achilles. He tells Achilles that the Tortoise will be given a head start of ten rods. Achilles will reach where the Tortoise started very quickly, but in the time that it takes Achilles to reach the Tortoise’s starting point, the Tortoise has already advanced to a new position. Zeno tells Achilles that this scenario can be played out an infinite number of times.
Hofstadter’s use of this dialogue employs a rich philosophical tradition and demonstrates Connection and Openness Through Interdisciplinary Approach. The Socratic dialogue is a form of logical argumentation that originated in conversations between Socrates and his student Plato (“Socratic method. Britannica). Roman philosopher Cicero, medieval philosopher Boethius, late-Renaissance astronomer and physicist Galileo, 18th-century philosopher David Hume, and many modern writers and thinkers employ the technique to provide a more accessible illustration of their concepts. Hofstadter uses Socratic dialogue to provide enriched meaning of his ideas about Self-Reference and Strange Loops.
The structure formed by Zeno’s allegory illustrates The Recursive Nature of Being, as a pattern is formed and repeated at varying tiers. An example of recursion can be found in everyday life: A friend calls a person on the telephone, but the person doesn’t want to talk on the phone. The person sends a text to their friend saying they will call later. The person has replaced the initial task with a smaller, similar task, creating a self-referential, recursive cycle. Similarly, despite feeling as though they were participating in a game of chance, Achilles and the Tortoise were engaged in a timeless and inescapable loop: The Tortoise would always win the race. Zeno’s declaration that motion is only in the mind implies that all beings are bound to their own cognition—something comprised of formal systems. According to Hofstadter, consciousness is mathematical, comprehensive, collective, and inevitable. Achilles and the Tortoise are fated to self-reference.
Hofstadter emphasizes that patterns infinitely repeat themselves. The dialogues between the two characters illustrate this by following a circular pattern, often returning to where they started. Every time the Tortoise brings up a new idea, Achilles must find a way to challenge it, demonstrating the nature of Self-Reference and Strange Loops. For example, the Tortoise tells Achilles that a hole in the center of a flag at the end of the racetrack represents Zeno’s favorite number zero, but Achilles reminds the Tortoise that the number zero has not yet been invented. In their discussion, Achilles and the Tortoise model Achilles paradox, which shows that each time Achilles tackles a problem or reaches the spot where the Tortoise was, he faces a recursive problem or distance. These examples highlight the layered nature of the text, presenting characters that enact the principles that they articulate.
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