52 pages • 1 hour read
Miles returns to his dorm room and tells Ganke everything that happened that day. He wants a job so his parents won’t have to pay for his housing. Miles takes out his Spider-Man suit and pulls the mask over his face. He again remembers Uncle Aaron’s words, “You’re just like me,” as he stares at his covered face in the mirror. Miles tells Ganke that he needs to clear his head, and climbs out the window and onto the roof of the dorm building. He swings and jumps away from campus, thinking about the day’s events. He ends up near his neighborhood, and his spidey-sense starts to go off.
Miles sees a boy being chased by another man. The older of the two, a man with blond hair, grabs the boy, who squats and unlaces his sneakers. Miles remembers his father telling him about someone stealing sneakers in the neighborhood and jumps into action. He fights the blond man, using more strength and aggression than necessary, and uses his webs to tie the thief’s wrists together. Miles takes the blond’s shoes and gives them to the boy who watched the entire scene unfold. He threatens the thief one more time before leaving the area.
As Miles calms down, he becomes mortified by his actions, as he could have easily killed the man. He doesn’t recognize himself and hears the voice of Uncle Aaron once more: “You’re just like me.” Miles tries not to cry and decides that he wants to go home for the night instead of his dorm. As he approaches his apartment building, he notices one of his neighbors being arrested by police officers; a white cat walks by the scene. Quickly, Miles changes out of his Spider-Man costume. He returns home to see bills sprawled out on the table in the living room, and immediately feels guilty and upset. Miles apologizes profusely to his confused parents. His parents acknowledge his apology, and his father walks him to the train station to go back to his dorm.
On the way, Miles and his father run into one of their neighbors, Tony. Tony asks if either of them knows why Neek, the man who got arrested earlier, was taken in by the police. Mr. Davis tells Tony that he has no idea why, and Miles is distracted by the white cat he saw earlier. Miles connects the image of the white cat to the tattoo on Mr. Chamberlain’s wrist and feels extremely unsettled. He and his father continue to the train station. Miles’s father says he believes Miles was telling the truth about not stealing from the Campus Convenience store. He asks what Miles was truly doing at the open mic event because he doesn’t believe Miles would take that big of a risk for extra credit. Miles tells him about his feelings for Alicia, and his father shares how he and his mother got together. Mr. Davis had spilled salsa on Rio at a Super Bowl party, and they hit it off afterward. He tells Miles to “spill the salsa,” and tell Alicia how he feels. The conversation veers to Uncle Aaron and his way of attracting women.
Mr. Davis reveals that he also received a letter from Austin in the mail. Miles says he wants to visit his cousin and admits to having responded to Austin’s letter. Miles’s father is skeptical of Austin, but promises to think about taking Miles to see his cousin in prison. Miles’s father hugs him goodbye as they arrive at the train station and sends him on his way.
When Miles returns to his dorm, he contemplates telling Ganke about his violent confrontation with the neighborhood shoe thief. He ultimately decides against it, and instead tells Ganke that he needs to figure out a way to make money to help his parents. Ganke thinks Miles should use his powers to perform like the boys they’d seen earlier that week at the train station. Miles brushes Ganke off, and the pair begin to work on their homework. For Ms. Blaufuss’s class, Miles and Ganke have been assigned to find out the meaning of their names. Ganke, whose name doesn’t seem to be of Korean origin, is unable to find out what his name means. He becomes frustrated with his parents, and contemplates what would happen if he asked about his name directly. Their divorce has become messy, and Ganke doesn’t want to deal with it. The pair look up Miles’s name next and are surprised to see it originates from the Latin word for “soldier.”
The next day, the students discuss more poetry in Ms. Blaufuss’s class; Alicia is noticeably silent. In Mr. Chamberlain’s class, Alicia walks up to the white board and begins to write in silent protest. She writes several phrases like “We are people” and “We are not pawns” before Mr. Chamberlain physically pulls her away from the board. Alicia yells at him, exclaiming that he has no right to touch her, and she is told to go to the office for her behavior. As Alicia leaves, she begins to state the phrases she wrote on the board aloud.
The next day, Miles is on his best behavior and wonders about Alicia. He contemplates whether or not he should have joined her in reciting the words written on the board, and realizes that it wasn’t that he couldn’t have, but that he chose not to. On Friday, Alicia returns quietly. In Ms. Blaufuss’s class, the students continue to write poetry that they share with the class. Miles and Ganke share their poems, both feeling uncomfortable and ill prepared. Ms. Blaufuss praises them for their work and moves on with her lesson.
In Mr. Chamberlain’s class, Miles is forced to use his broken desk; to use it, Miles must sit on the floor. Mr. Chamberlain discusses the 13th Amendment and how it introduced a “smarter” form of slavery—the prison. Alicia attempts to stand up for Miles, who is struggling from his seat on the floor, but is silenced by Mr. Chamberlain, who threatens to send her back to the office; neither of them can afford to be written up again. Feeling humiliated, Miles forces himself to reel in his anger for the rest of the class, stewing in silence. Once the bell rings, Alicia helps Miles to his feet, and neither of them knows what to say to each other. Before Miles can leave, Mr. Chamberlain calls to him. Mr. Chamberlain gets in Miles’s face and passive-aggressively tells him to “stay where he belongs” (158).
After school, Miles contemplates angrily kicking around trash cans while in camo-mode and wonders how he can help Alicia speak up against Mr. Chamberlain. He receives a text from his father that says he will take Miles to see his cousin Austin in the morning. Miles runs to his dorm room to tell Ganke and finds his friend dancing in their room. He tells Ganke about the visit to the prison, and Ganke tells him to dance to help get his stress out. Miles eventually relents, and Ganke jokingly turns off the music, claiming they should get ready to leave instead.
While on the train, Miles and Ganke talk about the Halloween dance they’re supposed to go to tomorrow evening. Miles promises Ganke that he’ll ask his parents about it, and they exit the train. They cross paths with the young men who were performing for money. Ganke challenges one of the boys to a dance-off, offering Miles as the person to complete the challenge. Miles uses his Spider-Man abilities to perform tricks that catch the attention of many onlookers. He wins the bet, and Ganke and him end up splitting their 40 dollar prize. The two go their separate ways, promising to see each other tomorrow.
On his way home, Miles stops by a dollar store and buys his mother a plastic rose as an apology gift. He also stops by a local pizzeria and orders a pizza for his family. Apology gifts in hand, Miles enters his house and is surprised to see his parents dancing in the living room. His parents seem to be in a good mood, and Miles feels less anxious. He gives his gifts to his parents, apologizing once more for the trouble he’s caused. His mother asks him to dance with her, and the family jokes about Miles’s crush on Alicia.
Later, when Miles is alone in his bedroom, his father comes to check if he still wants to visit his cousin in the morning. He tells Miles not to go in with expectations, as prison changes a person. Miles’s father kisses his forehead and leaves. Miles enters a restless sleep. He dreams about the castle-like building again and sees Mr. Chamberlain there with a white cat. Mr. Chamberlain threatens him, exposing that he knows Miles is Spider-Man and that he is going to come for him.
The next morning, Miles’s father takes him to get a haircut before they visit Austin in the prison. They go to a local barber shop, one that Miles has been going to since he was born, and enter to hear a customer complaining about the increase in prices. Miles, his father, and the other patrons talk about what’s been going on in the neighborhood. Benny, a homeless man who used to sleep in a car on the corner, has gone missing. One of the customers says he saw Benny taken by the police, but doesn’t know why. Soon, it’s Miles’s turn to get a haircut. The barber, House, asks Miles about school while he cuts his hair. After his cut is complete, Miles stops his father from paying, and uses the remaining money he earned to pay for it. Miles states that he needs a job, and tells House that he’ll sweep hair for him on Saturdays in exchange for $10 an hour and free haircuts. House agrees, and Miles and his father leave to visit Austin.
Once at the prison, Miles and his father check into the visitation office. While they wait to be taken to the visiting rooms, Miles looks around curiously. He notices several rules lining the walls and reads them slowly. Miles feels the familiar buzz of his spidey-sense, but ignores it. A guard collects father and son, leading them to where Austin is waiting for them. They are reminded by a stern guard of the rules when Mr. Davis attempts to shake his nephew’s hand.
The air becomes awkward as the three introduce themselves. Mr. Davis asks about Austin’s mother and says he had no idea that Aaron had been a father. Austin explains that his mother was named Nadine, and that she passed away due to her cancer. Mr. Davis, uncertain of what to say, asks what Austin expects from them. Austin asks why Mr. Davis cut contact with Aaron. Mr. Davis tells him that he couldn’t stay around Aaron after he refused to give up his life of crime. Austin corrects him, saying Aaron did stop stealing, but started again to help the ill Nadine. Once Aaron died, Austin attempted to pick up where he left off and began stealing cars. When he got caught, he was given a harsh sentence due to the identity of his father. Austin tells the pair that the day he was placed in prison was the day his mother died.
Shocked and uncertain of what to say, Miles asks Austin to clarify a statement he made about having some issues that are hard to get rid of. Austin answers him candidly, stating that he has nightmares of his father stating the same words he said to Miles: “You’re just like me.” The guard calls that time is up, and begins to take Austin back to his cell. Miles asks Austin one last question that leads to Austin revealing that he sees white cats in his dreams. As the guard removes Austin, Miles notices the name written on his uniform: Chamberlain.
Miles and his father drive home in silence, thinking about what they learned during the visit. Miles’s father tells him that he regrets not reaching out and trying to help his brother Aaron. They arrive home to see Ganke sitting with Miles’s mother, watching telenovelas. When Miles asks why Ganke is there, he is reminded that they are supposed to attend the Halloween party at their school that evening. Miles, embarrassed that he forgot, asks his parents for permission to attend the dance. They laugh and ask if Alicia is going to be attending before giving him permission to go.
As Miles and Ganke get ready for the party, the pair tell each other about their experiences this weekend. Ganke sat through a surprisingly pleasant family dinner. Miles tells Ganke about visiting Austin and one of the prison guards being named Chamberlain. Ganke gives Miles one of his old Halloween costumes, a zombie mask, and the pair get dressed. Miles’s mother calls the boys downstairs to greet some guests, Miles’s father’s friends.
The pair greet the men sitting in the living room playing cards. The three men, Carlo, John John, and Sip, talk about their experiences in school. Coincidentally, all of the men had a teacher named Mr. Chamberlain who negatively impacted their experience in school. The men contemplate how their own Mr. Chamberlains ultimately led to their choices to commit criminal acts. While the men don’t blame the teachers for their poor decisions, they can’t help but feel that school should have been a safe place for them, and without it, they felt helpless.
Miles and Ganke leave the house discussing how odd it is that the name Mr. Chamberlain is so prevalent in their lives. Ganke writes it off as a coincidence, but Miles can’t help but feel disturbed. They arrive at the dance and Miles avoids Mr. Chamberlain, who is dressed as a soldier from the Confederacy. He walks over to Alicia, but before he can say anything to her, Mr. Chamberlain reminds them of what is considered appropriate behavior. Miles watches as Mr. Chamberlain leaves the dance, and he decides he needs to follow him. Not wanting to miss his opportunity with Alicia, Miles gives her the poem he wrote for her and runs off to follow Mr. Chamberlain.
After Miles loses his scholarship, he puts on his Spider-Man costume and flees from school, running over rooftops and swinging on his webs through the city. At this moment, Miles is extremely distressed, as one of his greatest fears has come true—his parents being forced to pay for his room and board at school—and he doesn’t know how to fix it. Miles, in an attempt to escape the trouble he has caused as Miles Morales, leans into his identity as Spider-Man to cope. As he runs, he doesn’t “pay attention to where he [is] going, just trie[s] to remember what it felt like to fly. What it felt like to fall knowing he wouldn’t actually hit the ground” (124). He uses flying to capture his feelings of failure. In this case, the reader can interpret “flying” as success and to “fall” as failure. He wants to fly, to succeed and never have to worry about hitting the ground, disappointing his family and his community.
As Miles runs from BVA, he contemplates the changes in scenery. He notes that the area changes as he runs, “From the clock tower to the courthouse, from the roofs of luxury condos to those of the project buildings […] [to] The screeching of brakes. The drowning horns of taxi cabs” (124). This moment represents the transition between Miles’s two communities: the prestigious BVA community and his family and neighbors in the less wealthy Brooklyn. As one community begins to reject him, he runs to his other community for acceptance and forgiveness. At this point in the novel, like his identities as Miles Morales and Spider-Man, his communities are treated as separate entities. It is not until he vows to stand up to injustice, a major theme in the novel, that he feels he belongs equally to both communities.
Once back in his Brooklyn neighborhood, Miles notices a boy being robbed. Miles notices that, even cornered, “The boy didn’t scream. Didn’t yell for help. Miles knew that silence. The silence that knows yelling is futile and against the code. Yelling makes things more dangerous” (125). His comments can be read as metaphorical, representing the choice to remain a bystander in the face of injustice. In Miles’s case, he believes “yelling” or calling attention to an issue makes the issue more dangerous. This way of thinking highlights the complexity of advocacy and standing up to injustice, especially as a vulnerable person.
After Miles allows his emotions to get the better of him when fighting the robber, he struggles to come to terms with his actions. He questions, “What came over you? Who are you? You’re just like me,” displaying his internal conflict regarding his part in his family’s legacy of violence and crime (127). Miles hardly recognizes himself through his own actions, seeing his uncle instead—represented by the inclusion of Uncle Aaron’s dying words. This moment reinforces Miles’s fear of his predisposition to evil, and scares him enough to seek out the comfort of his parents.
Once he returns to his dorm, Miles tells Ganke what happened with the robber and how he is afraid that he is turning into his uncle. Ganke is quick to dismiss Miles’s fears. Despite Ganke’s denial, Miles can’t help but think: “Miles understood that kind of vengeance. It was in him. But he couldn’t tell Ganke that, plus if he was being honest with himself, Ganke was right, he couldn’t do it” (145). Miles deals with cognitive dissonance in which he believes one thing, that he is predisposed to being bad, but knows another, that he could never commit acts like robbery. This moment of introspection is the first step in Miles’s journey away from believing he has inherited his father and uncle’s paths of crime, and it eases his anxiety slightly.
At school the next day, Alicia decides to take matters into her own hands, and stages a protest in the middle of Mr. Chamberlain’s class. Upon arriving, “[s]he glanced at Miles quickly, but just long enough for him to see something in her eyes. Not fear. Rage. […] she began to write… WE ARE PEOPLE. WE ARE NOT PINCUSHIONS” in front of the entire class (151). This moment is the first act of a character standing up to social injustice in the novel. Alicia reminds Miles of what it truly means to be a hero and take care of one’s community. Her decision to write on Mr. Chamberlain’s chalkboard, next to his quote of the day, illustrates Alicia’s frustration and the power of the written word. Alicia is the foundation for Miles’s decision to fight Mr. Chamberlain and the Warden, both in the classroom and at the prison.
After her protest, Alicia is suspended from school for two days. When she returns, she is unable to help Miles as Mr. Chamberlain continues his racist lectures and forces him to sit on the floor. After class, she approaches Miles, and “Miles couldn’t help but pull away from her, upset. Small. […] ‘I…my family,’ she eked out, shaking her head. Miles nodded. He understood” (157). The complexity of standing up to injustice is illustrated by both Miles and Alicia’s reactions to their continued mistreatment. In a system that punishes those who speak up, advocacy for oneself and one’s community can become dangerous. Miles feels unable to stand up for himself because he is on the verge of being expelled from school; after being suspended, Alicia feels similarly. The two are trapped by the constraints of their school, a metaphor for the way that systemic racism oppresses the voices of people of color in particular, and are left feeling helpless and like they betrayed themselves and each other.
After class, Miles is called over by Mr. Chamberlain, who tells him, “Superpowers don’t belong to branches that come on a tree like yours. Because your tree is rotten at the roots. You, my man, are meant to be chopped down” (176). Mr. Chamberlain uses a metaphor, that of a tree and its branches, to depict his feelings about Miles and his family. He touches on the theme of legacy, stating that Miles’s tree—his family tree—has rotten “roots” that supposedly make him part of the problem. Mr. Chamberlain takes advantage of his authority and one of Miles’s greatest fears to “break him,” which is revealed to be part of his plan in Chapter 12.
When Miles visits his cousin Austin in prison, he is shocked to see just how similar they are physically and mentally. Miles comments that “[h]e just knew he was looking in the face of someone who looked just like him. Who, for whatever reason, did what he thought he had to do, just like him. Who loved his family despite their flaws, just like him,” illustrating just how similar the two are (194). Austin serves as a mirror to Miles, depicting who he could have been under different circumstances. The repetition of the phrase “just like him” (like Uncle Aaron’s “You’re just like me”) encourages empathy, but also reinforces Miles’s fear. Since Austin is so similar to Miles, the latter recognizes just how close he is to following in his father and uncle’s footsteps. Miles leaves the prison feeling deeply unsettled and with a new understanding of what it means to be “bad”—and how complicated this idea is, as both Uncle Aaron and Austin stole in the past to help Austin’s ill mother.
Later, while Miles and Ganke get ready for their school’s Halloween party, Miles’s father and his friends play card games at the house. When Miles and Ganke speak to the men, they find out that all of them were impacted by their own Mr. Chamberlain. When Mr. Davis’s friend Sip is asked if he blames his own Mr. Chamberlain for him dropping out of school and leading a life of crime, he states, “I’ll tell you what, for some of us, school is like a tree we get to hide in. And at the bottom of it is a bunch of dogs. Them dogs are bad decisions. So when people shake us out of that tree for no reason, it becomes a lot easier to get bit” (207). Sip’s combination of simile and metaphor illustrates the complex issues that affect many disenfranchised children today; it is easy to make bad decisions without proper support. This idea likely references the “school-to-prison pipeline,” in which a disproportionate number of students of color drop out of school and enter the criminal justice system without other avenues to turn to (“School-to-Prison-Pipeline,” Juvenile Justice, ACLU, 2023). To combat his own fear and future foes, Miles must live up to his namesake (“soldier”) and focus on how best to protect himself and others.
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