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Chuck misses the P.A.G. and his friend group. He and Pavel are still friends, but things are different without Cam. They visit the candy shop where the three of them used to hang out together after school. The storeowner expresses concerns about the freeway exit’s demolition. At school, Pavel and Chuck see Cam occasionally, but they don’t speak. Chuck logs onto his gaming system to check if Cam is online but never catches him. Pavel is still sour that Cam accused him of posting to the webpage.
The webpage has remained active. It comes online with messages of rising up and regrouping the P.A.G., but it’s then taken down within minutes. Paggers begin checking the page frequently for updates, and word gets around quickly that the P.A.G. is planning something. Finally, the page comes online for a minute saying that the P.A.G. will have a meeting at 3:15. It comes back again calling for paggers to assemble “where it all began” (199). Chuck and Pavel figure out that this means the senior gardening project, away from school administrators. They spread the word.
At the senior garden, hundreds of excited paggers arrive. Xavier lifts Cam up on his shoulders. The crowd becomes excited over Cam’s presence. Cam announces that the town is in trouble with the demolition of the freeway exit. He explains that the paggers have the power to stop it. The plan is for everyone to gather on the exit and stand in the way of the bulldozers. For the first time, he seems passionate about a P.A.G. project. Everyone is on board with the plan.
When the meeting finishes, people gather around Xavier and Cam to high-five and congratulate Cam. Pavel and Chuck try to get Cam’s attention, but he doesn’t notice them.
Daphne still worries about Elvis, who’s been missing since the YMCA showdown. However, she acknowledges that the freeway exit is more important. No one is to tell their parents about the P.A.G.’s plan because parents might stop their kids from standing on a freeway in front of a demolition crew.
On Saturday morning, Daphne meets up with Cam, Melody, and Katrina to bike to the freeway. As they ride, other kids from the P.A.G. join them on bikes, skates, skateboards, scooters, and on foot. Katrina notices that there are a lot of cars out for a Saturday morning. At first, they wonder if anyone told their parents, but Cam soon realizes that they’re teenagers. The Friends of Fuzzy have learned of the plan. Cam suspects they plan to beat the P.A.G. to the freeway and take credit for the protest. Melody thinks it’s not a big deal because either way they are saving the freeway exit, but Cam responds that the Friends of Fuzzy are “crazy.”
The red Dodge Charger drives toward the group, and the paggers dodge as it cuts through them. Tony and Jennifer roll down the window to make a threat to the P.A.G. When they hit the accelerator hard to drive off quickly, Elvis emerges from behind a bush and walks right in front of the car, getting himself hit. Daphne dives off her bike to grab the beaver and comfort him. Elvis bats her away with his tail and flees into the woods.
The Friends of Fuzzy found out about the freeway protest because one of their little sisters confessed while on Benadryl. Jennifer and the rest of the Friends of Fuzzy organized quickly to swoop in and steal the plan.
The Friends of Fuzzy and the P.A.G. race through the woods to find Elvis. Jennifer is determined to find him so the Friends of Fuzzy can take credit for saving him. They still plan to save the freeway exit, but Jennifer won’t let this opportunity pass. She believes they can do both. Jennifer sees finding Elvis as a competition, in which the winner will be whoever comes out of the woods with the beaver.
Jennifer and Daphne locate Elvis. They grab him at the same time, with Jennifer holding Elvis’s back legs and Daphne holding his front. They fight over the beaver while Elvis whimpers in pain. Daphne exclaims that Elvis needs to see a vet immediately, but Jennifer’s only concern is taking credit for Elvis’s rescue. She says once the Friends of Fuzzy get credit, Daphne can have him. Elvis pees on Jennifer in fear, and she declares that the beaver belongs to her now. Daphne replies that she can have him if she just stops yanking and hurting him. She wants Jennifer to promise to take Elvis to a vet, but Jennifer refuses. She wants to take the beaver straight to Audra Klincker for publicity.
Tony tells Jennifer to let go. He says Harvard isn’t worth the trouble for the beaver. Instead, Daphne decides to let go. She hands Elvis over and wraps him with her coat. Jennifer realizes that Daphne really cares about the beaver—enough to forfeit the battle. Before anyone can celebrate, the sounds of bulldozers echo through the woods.
The freeway is on the other side of the woods, so the paggers and the Friends of Fuzzy rush through the trees to get there. Cam is upset that everyone got distracted. While running, Cam has a crisis of identity, wondering what he’s doing when he belongs on the couch playing video games. Jennifer runs with Elvis in her arms. String leads the pack at first, but Cam, Chuck, and Pavel amazingly pull ahead.
Once they break through the tree line, the entire group stops abruptly. Every adult in town is already on the ramp, having beat the Friends of Fuzzy and the paggers. None of the kids or teens knew their parents were planning their own protest. Everyone gathers around to join the cause. The demolition crew waits impatiently, but they cannot do anything with the people in their way. Cam and Melody find their parents and thank them for joining the cause. Their dad responds that the P.A.G.’s actions motivated them to stage their own protest to help the community. Cam explains that he and Melody produced their plan for the freeway together.
Across and around the freeway exit, families gather and enjoy themselves. Restaurant employees bring food for everyone for lunch. Cam feels like he’s part of something greater. The day passes, but no one leaves. Jennifer holds Elvis in her arms the entire time. Cam never pulls out his phone to check his game. Finally, the demolition crew leaves. Everyone celebrates as a community. Cam apologizes to Pavel and Chuck, mending their friendship. Jennifer carries Elvis. Instead of taking him to Audra Klincker, she goes to the local vet to ask for help.
Daphne is happy that the town, and Elvis have been saved. The car only sideswiped Elvis, so he suffered minor bruising but is okay. The town worries that the bulldozers will return, but the Transportation Department has officially postponed the demolition so they can review the case. It will take years to review the case. In the meantime, the exit will be restored so that it is no longer dangerous for drivers, effectively saving it from demolition for good. Cam has promised that the P.A.G. will return to the ramp if the bulldozers come back.
The P.A.G. is back in full force, with every student in the school now a member, setting the record for the first organization in the school’s history with a 100% membership rate. The first project for the P.A.G. is to sell raffle tickets.
Elvis is introduced to his new habitat, which now bears a sign declaring it a P.A.G. contribution. Elvis is safe and happy with his new home. Daphne reconsiders her initial judgment of Cam as a slacker. She thinks he’s one of the most important residents in town.
Cam is at Rule the World. He’s surrounded by fellow gamers and truly in his element. His dad keeps him company while he awaits his partner’s arrival. Cam is excited but also nervous at the competition. Cam’s dad explains how proud he and Cam’s mom are. He offers Cam a chance to leave the P.A.G., understanding that Cam only started the P.A.G. to save his lifestyle. Cam declines the offer. The P.A.G. is important, and Cam understands that gaming isn’t everything. On top of that, the P.A.G. operates smoothly with so many people involved, so Cam doesn’t have to devote all his time to it.
Chuck and Pavel show up to support Cam, but neither is his partner. Cam has chosen Melody as his partner, acknowledging that she’s a better gamer than him. Cam’s Mom and Melody arrive, with Melody ready for action. Cam is happy to have Evil McKillPeople as his teammate and sister.
The final six chapters of Slacker feature the climax and resolution to the main conflicts of the book, including the fate of the P.A.G., the fate of the freeway ramp, and the fate of Elvis. These chapters also emphasize the main themes of the novel and solidify the freeway ramp as a motif for The Importance of Community.
Chapter 28, told from Chuck Kinsey’s point of view, builds mystery surrounding the P.A.G. website’s sporadic updates, with “everyone [...] buzzing about the latest post” (198), following the page’s calls to “MAKE A STAND” (198) and meet “WHERE IT ALL BEGAN” (199). Chuck and Pavel become instrumental to the success of these updates, figuring out that they’re referring to the senior garden and telling “as many paggers as we could, hoping that they would spread the word from there” (200). These efforts culminate in a massive gathering of former paggers at the senior citizens’ garden.
Cam’s character development is important in this chapter. While he started as someone wholly disinterested in “getting involved” and he hated the P.A.G. from its conception, Cam takes advantage of the power he wields over the former paggers to assemble them for one final project. Although “[n]o one hated public speaking more than Cam” (202), Cam addresses the massive group to announce that they’re saving the freeway ramp. Cam’s impassioned speech, pointing out that “what the P.A.G. taught us is there’s never nothing we can’t do. If we get hundreds of people to pick up garbage, we can get hundreds of people to stand on our ramp and block the demolition crew” (202), develops the theme of Contributing to Something Greater by harnessing the heart of the P.A.G. and directing the large movement’s focus on saving the town.
Cam explains that “If we got a big enough turnout, we could stop those bulldozers. And for the P.A.G., bringing together hundreds of volunteers was something that used to happen two or three times a week” (203). By emphasizing the power of the numerous P.A.G. members, Cam shows that Contributing to Something Greater is driven by a combination of teamwork and purpose, showing how contributing to something greater than oneself is an important and fulfilling way to spend one’s time.
The theme of The Importance of Community is at its strongest in these final chapters, and it’s helped by the motif of the freeway ramp, the destruction of which would be detrimental to the Sycamore community. When Cam announces the P.A.G.’s final project, Chuck narrates, “every adult in town was mourning over the loss of this freeway ramp” (203), which emphasizes the massive impact the loss of the ramp would have on the community. Because the community depends on that ramp to drive traffic to local businesses, everyone is stressed about how the loss of the ramp will impact the local economy. The significance of the freeway ramp to the community is emphasized in the novel’s climax, when the P.A.G. and the Friends of Fuzzy break through the trees and find the ramp is already blocked by “our parents, our teachers, storekeepers, doctors, lawyers, businesspeople, mail carriers, waitresses, and short-order cooks” (220).
The image of “every adult in Sycamore” (221) standing on the freeway ramp in front of the bulldozers stresses the important role the ramp plays in the local community and solidifies the link between the ramp as a motif and The Importance of Community theme. When the bulldozers turn around and leave, the entire crowd erupts into celebration. This celebration begins the falling action of the novel and shifts the narrative into wrapping up the remaining conflicts.
These final chapters also develop the Cooperation Versus Competition theme through the final showdown of the P.A.G. and Friends of Fuzzy and through Cam’s newfound cooperation with Melody. In Chapter 29, while attempting to beat the P.A.G. to the freeway ramp, the Friends of Fuzzy accidentally hit Elvis with one of their vehicles. Instead of working with the P.A.G. to come together to save the ramp, the Friends of Fuzzy demonstrate the unhealthy side of competition and cause more destruction in the process. This moment leads to the entirety of Chapter 30, during which the P.A.G. and Friends of Fuzzy race to find Elvis, determined to beat out the other group.
The dichotomy between the intentions of the two groups is apparent when Elvis is discovered hiding in some bushes. While Jennifer is determined to take Elvis to Audra Klincker for publicity, Daphne only wants to take Elvis to a vet. Jennifer and Daphne lock hands on the beaver at the exact same time. The back and forth between the girls causes Elvis to cry out in pain, creating more harm for the beaver in the process. The Friends of Fuzzy’s competitive attitude reaches damaging levels as Jennifer disregards Elvis’s comfort while fighting for him. Realizing the damage that is being done through their competition, Daphne decides to work with Jennifer and hands Elvis over for the sake of keeping Elvis safe, showing the power of cooperation instead of competition.
Jennifer also realizes the error of her ways after a day protesting with her community. Instead of bringing Elvis directly to the reporter to take credit for his rescue, “she walked right past the reporter and gave the injured animal to Dr. Casper, our town vet” (224). This moment shows that Jennifer realizes that her competition with the P.A.G. was not productive. Her change of heart also shows that she has grown as a person from her experiences throughout the day, from competing for a beaver to collaborating with the P.A.G. and the rest of the town to save the freeway ramp.
Another important collaboration that takes place in the novel’s falling action takes place in the final chapter, when it is revealed that Cam has chosen Melody, AKA Evil McKillPeople, as his partner for Rule the World. Cam’s competitive spirit has been fed by his rivalry with Evil McKillPeople since before the novel takes place. Upon learning that it’s been Melody sabotaging him all along, Cam makes an important decision. Instead of escalating his rivalry with her, he chooses her as his partner, “or maybe I should say I was her partner, since she was better than me” (230). Cam’s acknowledgment of his sister’s skills and decision to work together with her shows how cooperation is more productive than competition. Instead of becoming more obsessed with beating Evil McKillPeople, Cam acknowledges that his sister possesses superior skills and decides to work together with her at the gaming competition.
In addition to resolving Cam’s rivalry with Melody and Evil McKillPeople, these final chapters resolve the rest of the book’s conflicts, the biggest of which being the fate of the freeway exit and the fate of the P.A.G. In Chapter 32, Daphne details how the bureaucracy of the Division of Highways review process has ensured “by the time anyone got around to demolishing our exit, it wouldn’t need demolishing anymore” because of the repairs necessary to keep the exit functional while the demolition is under review (226). Additionally, “The Positive Action Group had been reinstated with Cam back as president” (226), showing how Cam has grown into a person who appreciates his community service in addition to his video games.
This also resolves the conflicts for characters like String, Xavier, and Chuck, who all found purpose with the P.A.G. and experienced emptiness in its absence. Daphne also explains that Elvis was seen by a vet and cleared medically before being introduced to his new habitat, where “Elvis was safe and sound and happy” (227). Finally, in the final chapter, though they are not competing in Rule the World, Chuck and Pavel show up to support Cam and Melody, showing that their friendship has been mended and all is forgiven between the friends.
These final chapters complete character arcs for all of the important members of the P.A.G., and resolve the overarching conflict of the degradation of the town, saving the small businesses and the community that benefits from them.
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By Gordon Korman