73 pages • 2 hours read
Though it weighs only a few pounds, is mostly water, and has the consistency of tofu or gelatin, the brain contains an immense amount of information, roughly as much “the entire digital content of today’s world” (49). It generates the entire panoply of sensations and thoughts of consciousness.
The brain contains over 85 billion neurons: long, thin cells that reach out toward each other and link up in trillions of connections. The top and largest portion of the brain is the cerebrum, divided in half, each half dealing with one side of the body. The portions above the eyes are the frontal lobes, which do the thinking; behind them are the parietal lobes, concerned with touch and temperature. Beneath the parietal lobes are the temporal lobes, where sound and some sight are processed; at the back are the occipital lobes, which deal with vision.
Beneath the cerebrum in the back, below the occipital lobes, is the cerebellum, which handles movement and balance. Extending downward under the middle of the brain is the brain stem, which handles basic functions like breathing, heartbeat, and sleeping. Several other structures nested in the brain are called the limbic system. These regions handle memory, emotions, appetite, and endocrine regulation.
Using all these parts and input from air vibrations striking the ears, photons striking the retinas, signals from nerves in the skin, and so forth, the brain organizes and coordinates perception of the world into sounds, sights, and other sensations.
Memories come in two basic forms: declarative, for remembering information—the name of the state capitol or the dinner you had with friends yesterday—and procedural, for performing skills, like driving a car or cooking an omelet. Short-term memories, like recalling a postal zip code long enough to write it down, or the total on a restaurant bill to use in calculating a tip, last less than a minute. Memories that stick longer become long-term memories.
Glial cells, which provide support services for the neurons, outnumber them by 10 to one. It’s possible that the brain produces new neurons in adulthood, but they are few in number; 95% of the brain is in place by age 10. Connections between neurons, called synapses, aren’t fully wired until the mid-20s, so that teenage behavior traits spill over into the third decade of life.
In people with brain damage, the healthy areas tend to take over the damaged areas’ tasks, relieving portions of the disability. Some damage, however, completely changes a victim’s personality. Beginning in the 1930s, some doctors performed lobotomies on disturbed patients, essentially using a modified ice pick inserted through the eye socket to break up the frontal lobes. The surgeries stopped the disturbed behavior but the patients became, “almost without exception, obedient, lifeless shells” (67). Lobotomies were abandoned in the 1960s as inhumane; meanwhile, drugs were developed that improved psychiatric symptoms non-surgically.
Though the skull protects the brain, sudden impacts bounce the brain against the skull and cause damage. Fluid leaks, especially blood, can cause a debilitating buildup of pressure. Hemorrhagic strokes, though rare in other mammals, are the second most common cause of death in humans.
The brain is subject to “an almost limitless number of curious or bizarre syndromes and conditions” (69). These include the feeling that one is dead, that one’s acquaintances are imposters, and the experience of being fully conscious but unable to move or communicate. Until recent decades, the mysterious seizures of epilepsy were widely considered signs that a sufferer was a mental defective. People with epilepsy often were institutionalized, their human rights rescinded.
Strangely, human brains worldwide are about 10% smaller, and skulls thinner, than they were 10,000 years ago. Whether this means brains have gotten more efficient or less intelligent is unknown.
Craniometry was a popular field of study in the 1800s. Practitioners believed that human intelligence and character could be deduced from the sizes and shapes of human heads. Criminals thus should be detectable by how their facial and cranial features were proportioned; also, nonwhite races were assumed to have inferior heads.
Today, craniometry is considered a pseudoscience, but during its heyday it was championed by well-known researchers such as Cesare Lombroso, a founder of criminology, and Pierre Paul Broca, discoverer of Broca’s area, the speech center in the brain’s frontal lobe.
Charles Darwin, who believed all humans share a common ancestor, published The Expression of the Emotions in 1872, arguing that all people everywhere share the same basic facial expressions. In 1960, UC San Francisco professor Paul Ekman tested Darwin’s thesis and found that people do, indeed, share at least six expressions: “fear, anger, surprise, pleasure, disgust, and sorrow” (77). Ekman also found that people unconsciously display microexpressions that betray their true feelings, regardless of the smiles or frowns they put on their faces. The human face is unusual among animals: flat with a tall forehead, expressive eyebrows instead of brow ridges, and prominent noses and chins.
Of 33 human sensory inputs, including balance, location in space, and passage of time, the most noted are sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Eyes are like cameras, with an opening, the pupil, controlled by the muscles of the iris. A system in front that includes a cornea and lens bends and focuses the light, which then passes through the clear, jelly-like middle of the eye toward the retina, the sensor in the rear. Tears keep the front of the eyeball smooth and germ free. Humans also shed emotional tears, the only known example of such behavior in the animal kingdom.
The retina has two photoreceptors: rods for dim light and cones for sensing red, blue, and green colors. The strongest sensors are in a small dip called the fovea, which details an area the size of a thumbnail at arm’s length. The eye looks about in rapid jumps, called saccades, 250,000 a day, that give the sense of a larger area of sharp detail. Images are sent to the brain through the optic nerve, a pencil-thick cable that causes a small blind spot in the field of vision that is filled in by the brain’s ability to estimate what should be there.
Hearing begins at the fleshy outer ear, or pinna, shaped to capture sounds and their source locations. Sounds travel through the ear canal to the eardrum, or tympanic membrane, which vibrates the three tiny bones of the middle ear—called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup for their shapes—that can detect vibrations less than the width of an atom, amplify them, and send them to the cochlea, a snail-shaped chamber filled with tiny hairs, or stereocilia, of different lengths that resonate in tune with the various wavelengths of sound. Modern life contains very loud noises, like jet engines and overly amped earbuds, which can do permanent damage to the stereocilia.
Attached to the middle ear are a set of gel-filled tubes and sacs, the vestibular system, that gives humans their sense of balance. As people age, the gel thickens, making balance more difficult.
As for smell, odor molecules, called volatiles, enter the nose and contact a set of nerves called the olfactory epithelium that contains up to 400 separate sensors, several of which are triggered by each aroma. Smells can be extremely complex: Bananas have 300 volatiles, tomatoes emit 400, and coffee has 600. Some researchers believe the human nose can detect a trillion different odors.
Aromas can evoke strong memories; this may be because smells are processed in the brain’s olfactory cortex, next to the memory-forming hippocampus. Smells are, to some degree, unique for each person, as only about half the receptors in the nose are common to everyone. Humans can detect some odors better than dogs, yet people tend to take their sense of smell for granted. Smell can be lost permanently from head injury or illness, which seriously undermines quality of life.
The mouth and throat can be places of danger: humans “choke to death more easily than any other mammal” (93). People walk upright, and their necks have a shape different from other primates. Food and air enter the human body through a single tube, the pharynx, at the rear of the mouth. This tube divides at the epiglottis, a tiny door that opens for air and closes to divert food to the esophagus, a muscle-lined tube that pushes food down to the stomach.
This system has advantages, including improved vocalization and speech, but the danger of choking is ever present. Thousands of Americans die each year from choking—the fourth most common cause of accidental death in the U.S.—and many who apparently die of heart attacks in restaurants are actually choking victims.
In the 1970s, Dr. Henry Heimlich developed a way to dislodge food trapped in the breathing passageway by embracing the victim from behind and giving a series of sharp hugs just below the ribcage. This movement forces air from the lungs to push up against the obstruction, causing it to pop out. This Heimlich maneuver is now called “abdominal thrusts” by the American Red Cross.
The greatest choking expert was Dr. Chevalier Quixote Jackson, who, by the time he died in 1958 at age 92, had developed many of the instruments and methods used to relieve choking, saved hundreds of lives, and amassed a collection of more than 2,000 items retrieved from victims.
The mouth itself is highly complex. An average adult generates nearly a quart and a half of saliva each day through 12 glands in the mouth. Saliva is nearly all water; less than 1% contains enzymes that help pre-digest food but also feed bacteria that emit acids that damage teeth—even their outer enamel, the hardest substance in the body. Most people’s mouths contain about 200 kinds of bacteria, with different types inhabiting tongue, teeth, and gums.
The tongue, an extremely sensitive muscle, contains 10,000 taste receptors—for sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami, or savory—and as many pain receptors, including heat sensors, which are activated by chilies. The Scoville test gives bell peppers a hotness rating of 50 to 100; jalapeños get 2,500 to 5,000; the Carolina Reaper pepper is hottest at 2 million. Pure capsaicin—the chemical responsible for chili’s heat sensation—rates 16 million Scovilles.
Umami, the fifth taste, comes from glutamate, common in many foods. Discovered by a Japanese chemist in 1909, it became the basis for monosodium glutamate, a popular flavor enhancer. In the late 1960s, it fell from favor in the West due to rumors that it caused illness, but scientists have been unable to find anything wrong with it.
Flavors derive mainly from smell. For example, “strawberry is actually a smell, perceived nasally, not a taste in the mouth” (106); moreover, it’s a perception that exists only in the brain, not in the strawberry itself.
Farther down the throat is the larynx, where the vocal cords and other apparatuses of speech perform a complex dance to produce sounds that the mouth can shape into speech. Four percent of children and 1% of adults suffer from stuttering, a still-mysterious ailment with no reliable cure that has affected such luminaries as Aristotle, Darwin, Churchill, and Marilyn Monroe.
The uvula, a small, fleshy appendage that hangs at the back of the mouth, helps prevent food from entering the nasal passage during a fit of coughing, dispenses some of the mouth’s saliva, and adds to the formation of sounds, including snoring. All of these are minor; in the rare instances when the uvula is removed surgically, the effects on the patient are small. Its bigger purpose, if it has one, remains a mystery.
Anatomy from the neck up is covered in Chapters 4 through 6: the brain, the head in general, and the mouth and throat.
How the brain creates consciousness is a topic of endless speculation. One of the most potent insights into this mystery is that human sensory perceptions are symbols of a universe made up of quite different stuff. UC Irvine professor Donald Hoffman asserts that human consciousness has the same relation to the world that icons on a computer screen have to the ones and zeroes inside the computer chips. In both cases, the symbols are quite different from the things they represent. This idea was put more poetically by philosopher Alan Watts, who noted that “the eyes can see light because of the sun, but the sun is light because of the eyes.”
The decline in brain size over the past 10,000 years correlates roughly to the agricultural era, when people shifted from hunting and gathering to farming. It’s possible this transition put very different demands on humans, and that brains evolved, or otherwise adjusted, by shrinking. Complex civilizations work better if people are more cooperative and specialized; these traits have the effect of “domesticating” humans, and most domesticated animals have smaller brains.
The recent worldwide migration of people from farms to cities may place new stresses on human nervous systems, with corresponding changes in the brain. Indeed, recent research indicates that human brains are beginning to get larger again. This growth may simply be due to improved nutrition, but brains are highly complex, and researchers remain unsure about the causes.
Chapter 5 focuses on three of the five classic senses: vision, hearing, and smell. Vision has its anatomical oddities, including that the optic nerve from each eye crosses over to the opposite hemisphere of the brain, and that the image that passes through the eye’s lenses strikes the retina upside-down.
The brain makes sense of it all, but the process can be altered. Researchers gave subjects prismatic glasses that turned the world upside down; after a week, the subjects could see right side up through the glasses but upside down without them. The effect wore off shortly thereafter, but the experiment showed that the brain must massage visual data before it makes sense to the user.
A common, sometimes annoying symptom suffered by more than 10% of people is ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, which has many causes, including hearing loss, illness, and simply too much ear canal wax. Researchers don’t yet fully understand why the brain generates these perceptions of sound, and as yet there is no cure.
Fortunately, for most sufferers, the brain both generates these phantom noises and enables the mind to habituate to and block them from conscious perception. A similar process permits the mind to ignore visual floaters, tiny shadows from fibers and breaks in the clear jelly that inflates the eye.
People talk about tasting food, but they must smell it, too. Someone with a stuffy nose quickly finds, when eating, that much of the flavor has disappeared. The mouth’s tasters are basic—sweet, salt, sour, bitter, and umami (savory or meaty)—but aromas give different foods their unique flavors. Half the odor receptors in each human nose are unique, somewhat like fingerprints, which partly explains why many foods are loved by some people and disliked by others.
The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG), which appears in soups, stews, and snack foods and adds to the sensation of umami, got a bad reputation in 1968 from which it still hasn’t recovered. It was blamed for “Chinese restaurant syndrome,” a combination of headaches and stomach distress, that researchers have been unable to replicate. For decades, people were warned against MSG, especially for its sodium content, but MSG turns out to contain only a third the sodium of table salt. MSG thus helps reduce the amount of salt used in foods.
Once swallowed, food must pass near the voice box without clogging it. Bryson asserts that the odd arrangement of the throat, with its pharynx that splits at the epiglottis into esophagus for food and larynx for air, is part of an evolved system that permits the elaborated use of the voice box. This arrangement makes possible the complexities of human speech and, arguably, the advances of civilization that have emerged from its use.
That Neanderthals might have been able to speak is an intriguing possibility. These bygone beings possessed the hyoid bone necessary for speech, they used tools, and they had larger brains than modern humans. Researchers in 2013 produced a complete genetic map of Neanderthal DNA—they got it from an ancient finger bone—and Neanderthals had an older version of a modern human gene involved in speech. A more definitive report on Neanderthal speech awaits new advances in paleoanthropology and computing power. Perhaps lost forever, though, is what they might have told us had they not become extinct.
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By Bill Bryson