51 pages • 1 hour read
The narrative voice of The Second Coming frequently remarks on the absurdity of living in the modern world, where unhappiness thrives despite all of a person’s basic survival needs being met. The novel exposes this absurdity through contrasting the outwardly cheerful lives of the characters with their declining mental health and through observing the widening gap between words and meaning. Walker Percy does not resolve the problem of this absurdity by the end of the novel. However, he does suggest that the best way to cope with it is to find meaningful connection rather than succumbing to alienation and lack of purpose.
At the beginning of The Second Coming, Will Barrett’s sudden desire to die by suicide is framed as both a nonsensical urge and as a rational response to a nonsensical world. While the narrator points out that Will lives a successful and pleasant life, with plenty of money and leisure time, Percy also acknowledges that Will’s seemingly irrational mental state might be a normal response to a bizarre world: “[O]n the one hand, he was depressed. On the other hand, the world is in fact farcical” (4). This tension between explaining Will’s suicidal ideation as a mental health problem versus as an appropriate response to society continues throughout The Second Coming. Will later articulates the problem through the ironic juxtaposition of peace and war. Will, who lives in a generally peaceful state, feels happier when he is threatened with violence because having an enemy gives his continued survival more meaning. In other words, “peace is only better than war if peace is not hell too. War being hell makes sense” (21). Therefore, Percy suggests that the problem with the absurd state of modern life is that it does not provide any sense of meaning or purpose for most people. In Will’s perspective, all actions are equally rational to undertake, including suicide, if no person has any reason to do anything.
The Second Coming suggests that the modern world is absurd because people are alienated from one another even in contexts in which they ought to be closely connected. Allison’s struggle with language reflects this problem. When Allison is wandering through the city, she encounters a woman trying to convert people to her church, an experience that ought to be deeply personal and meaningful. However, Allison notices when she talks to the woman handing out religious pamphlets that “her voice was still cordial, but the question did not sound like a question and the promise did not sound like a promise” (33). Even in a situation that ought to promote human connection, the conversion to a religion, Allison finds that the lack of meaning in words causes her to feel more alienated. Will also feels unfulfilled by his Episcopal religious community. He is similarly irritated by the born-again Christian movement that his daughter joins, even though Leslie finds it gives her a more intimate connection to God. Will observes that modern society is generating an increasing number of alternative religious movements, but he is not compelled to join any of them, considering them just alternative forms of insanity: “Is this an age of belief, he reflected, a great renaissance of faith after a period of crass materialism, atheism, agnosticism, liberalism, scientism? Or is it an age of madness in which everyone believes everything? Which?” (159). While Percy frames some form of religious belief as necessary for human happiness, he also portrays the ways that most organized religions fail to truly connect believers to one another and to the world around them.
Similarly, Will finds that his marriage to Marion has created more distance between them, not emotional intimacy. As Marion is sick and dying, he realizes that their marriage has never been very meaningful, prompting him to reflect on how it all happened:
[H]ow can it happen that one day you are young, you marry, and then another day you come to yourself and your life has passed like a dream? They looked at each other curiously and wondered how they could have missed each other, lived in the same house all those years and passed in the halls like ghosts (124).
The lack of meaning to be found in both religion and love, two areas of human life that are associated with deep closeness and higher purpose, results in absurdity. That absurdity, in turn, causes Will to consider ending his own life.
By the end of the novel, Will decides to leave behind many of the comforts of his wealth and retirement, returning to work and to living simply in order to feel less disconnected from meaning. Rather than spending all of his time playing golf, a game without any particular purpose other than amusement, he decides to work as a clerk in a law firm and help Allison start a greenhouse farm. Finding ways to be closer to meaningful actions and finding people to genuinely connect with helps Will combat the absurdity that led to his suicidal depression.
The Second Coming portrays Will Barrett’s search for God, which ends ambiguously. Throughout the novel, Will seeks out signs that God exists, as the existence of God would mean that there is some purpose to his existence in the world. As a result, Will becomes fixated on the erroneous belief that Jewish people are leaving North Carolina and returning to the Holy Land. Will sees the actions of Jewish people as connected to divine purpose, though the narrative voice consistently points out that his obsession with the Jews is not based at all on factual reality. In the end, though Will’s search results only in ambiguity, that ambiguity appears to be enough for him to continue living.
Will first begins to view the Jewish people as a possible sign of God’s existence when he falls down on the golf course and has a vivid memory of his younger self’s attraction to a Jewish cheerleader. When he gets up, he is convinced that the return of Jewish people to the Holy Land might indicate a coming apocalypse. However, the narration simultaneously points out Will is mistaken: “[T]he Jews were and are not leaving North Carolina. In fact, the Jewish community is that state, though small, is flourishing” (12). Will later reveals that this notion comes from his late wife. As he tells Jack Curt, his local Episcopal pastor, “Marion thought the Jews, the strange history of the Jews, was a sign of God’s existence” (136). While the pastor situates the source of his belief in other people and in more mundane acts of charity, Will needs a clearer sign to resolve his existential crisis. Thus, although Will’s belief in the exodus of the Jewish people is clearly not aligned with reality, it does help to preserve his life. Later that day, as he contemplates shooting himself, he delays because of the inherent mystery behind his suspicions: “I wouldn’t find out about the Jews, why they came here in the first place and why they are leaving. Are the Jews a sign?” (14). Percy thereby indicates that although Will’s search for signs of God relies on delusions, those delusions are in a way truly miraculous because they do save his life.
After an encounter with Ewell McBee disconcertingly reveals that the Jewish people might not be leaving North Carolina, Will creates a more definitive test to discover the existence of God: a complex suicide attempt. Will plans to use his own death, by way of neglect and starvation, to determine if God will intervene and save him. An intervention, Will reasons, would prove that a loving and active divine presence exists. He contemplates that God may only intervene in unusual circumstances, considering how “God will manifest himself when you are bent far enough out of your everyday lifeline” (67). By constructing the unusual cave scenario, Will believes that he has found not only a way to answer his question clearly but also a method to end his own life conveniently if there is no God and therefore no meaning to life. However, Will’s suicide attempt does not go as planned, resulting in an ambiguous answer. After spending several days in the cave, a toothache wakes Will from his drug-induced sleep, and the pain forces him to leave the cave on his own. The result of the test is therefore uncertain. Did God send the toothache to save him? Or was it coincidence, and Will’s own desire to survive simply compelled him to leave? Through this strange event, Percy indicates that even a situation designed to provide clarity about God’s existence will inevitably only yield more uncertainty. Faith is necessary, as no clear sign will ever come.
While Will does not receive the clear and unambiguous sign that he wants, he does experience something like a divine revelation during a dream he has after leaving the cave. As he sleeps in his car, having finally rejected the suicidal urges that come to him in the voice of his late father, he dreams of a kind Black woman who tried to take care of him after the deaths of his parents. While the young Will rejected her sympathy and compassion, the end of the dream hints that there was something deeply meaningful in this memory. The text goes out of its way to create ambiguity about the speaker and the meaning of this message, reporting only that “someone spoke: Very well, since you’ve insisted on it, here it is, the green-stick Rosebud gold-bug matador, the great distinguished thing” (277). Percy’s narration refuses to name the speaker, using vague language like “thing” and allusions to other symbols of great meaning such as the sled Rosebud from the film Citizen Kane (1941). While this dream is Will’s clearest sign of God’s existence, its message is in the most uncertain language possible, affirming Percy’s suggestion that faith is necessary for Will to survive.
While at the beginning of The Second Coming, love is treated as an insufficient and trivial concept, it eventually becomes a critical part of both Will and Allison’s journey toward finding a way to live in the modern world. Will’s previous romantic relationships with Kitty and Marion have not prevented him from desiring to end his life through suicide, causing him to worry that the only thing he and his father could truly love is death. Similarly, Allison believes that she has never felt love and is perhaps unable to feel it. however, the love that Will and Allison develop for one another ultimately allows them to find reasons to continue to live in the world and engage with things outside of themselves.
Will’s conception of love is based on his past romantic relationships, which resulted in alienation rather than connection. At the beginning of the novel, he recalls a childhood attraction to a girl at school. He laments that the reasons that he found her attractive were also why he could not be with her: “Ethel, why is the world so designed that our very smartness and closeness keep us apart?” (8). Their academic rivalry made them enemies when they ought to have become lovers, he thinks, as well as their cultural separation as a Jewish person and non-Jewish person. Similarly, Will’s marriage to Marion did not make him feel close to her. He married her because it felt good to marry a girl who was otherwise considered ugly and undesirable, but not even this seemingly selfless action resulted in satisfaction. In contrast, Will does feel strong sexual attraction to Kitty, but the promise of a tryst with her is not enough to stop him from carrying out his suicide attempt. Neither selflessness nor selfishness in romantic relationships satisfies Will.
As Will remembers his late father, who died by suicide, he begins to realize that his father loved only death and that he might share the same affliction. Will addresses his father directly in his mind, telling him, “[Y]ou were possessed by anger, anger which in the end you turned on yourself. You loved only death because for you what passed for life was really a death-in-life, which had no name and so is worse than death” (133). If the romantic relationships in Will’s real life do not make him feel alive, his love turns to death rather than to another person.
Allison, meanwhile, feels that she cannot understand love at all. Due to how confusing language is to her, she finds the term itself incomprehensible, thinking that love “sounds like something dark and furry which make a lowing sound” (39-40). This image of love as a strange animal connects love to the idea of basic needs and instinctual survival, portraying love as both a simple necessity and as a meaningless, animal compulsion. While Allison is propositioned by many men, she finds nothing tempting about their offers. When she considers being attracted to women, she also feels no emotional draw.
However, Will and Allison’s relationship at the end of the novel seems to break this pattern about love. Percy suggests that Will and Allison’s love is built on each individual providing what the other lacks, creating a mutually beneficial relationship. While Will often falls down, Allison is good at pulling things up. While Allison cannot remember her past, Will can remember everything. The balance between these characters creates a foundation for a successful romantic relationship. Critically, Will finds that his attraction to Allison feels ongoing, rather than likely to end, suggesting that he does find a purpose to move toward and will continue living in this relationship. He tells Allison, “[K]issing you is a delight but not a rounded and closed-off delight” (328). The purpose of love, Percy therefore implies, is to alleviate loneliness, to provide helpful support, and to promise future delights. By the end of the novel, these simple pleasures are all that Will and Allison need to continue to live in the world.
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