213 pages • 7 hours read
For many years before and after the Civil War, the government had no clear definition of what a citizen was. The nation wondered about what made people citizens and under what conditions residents were not citizens. Additionally, one wondered about “the privileges and immunities of citizenship” (313). In the 19th century, political theorists and politicians began to interpret citizenship within the contexts of human rights and state authority. Other questions, however, also emerged: Were women citizens? Was suffrage a right available only to certain citizens? Were the Chinese immigrants populating the West citizens like “free white persons” or “free persons of color?” Or were they something else entirely?
After the Union defeated the Confederacy, it set about guaranteeing civil rights to newly freed Black Southerners. Edwin Stanton, Lincoln’s secretary of war, established the American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission in 1863. Later, the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, best known as the Freedmen’s Bureau, provided food and clothing to refugees. The bureau also aided in their resettlement. Rumors spread that the bureau also intended to provide those formerly enslaved with 40 acres and a mule. As for the Confederacy, Congressman Thaddeus Stevens insisted that the South had to be treated as conquered territory—thus, its foundational institutions would have to be reformed. Lincoln instead proposed a 10% plan that would pardon Confederate leaders and allow each state to reenter the union after 10% of their voters took a pledge of allegiance. Radical Republicans rejected that. They drafted the Wade-Davis Bill at the end of 1864, demanding a majority of Southerners swear that they had never supported the Confederacy, thereby disenfranchising “all former Confederate leaders and soldiers” (317). Lincoln vetoed the bill. He did, however, agree to install military rule in the former Confederacy. After Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson turned course. He wanted to bring the Southern states back into the Union as quickly as possible. He allowed them to decide for themselves on matters of citizenship and civil rights.
In the winter of 1865-66, Southern legislatures began to pass “black codes,” or race-based laws that perpetuated de facto slavery through “indentures, sharecropping, and other forms of servitude” (318). In South Carolina, Black parents who refused to teach their children to conform to these systems risked having them taken away and placed with white families, where they were forced to labor. Later in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan formed in Tennessee. Founded by Confederate veterans, they dressed in white, to appear as “ghosts” of the Confederate dead. Lepore likens them instead to “the armed militias that had long served as slave patrols that […] had terrorized men, women, and children with fires, ropes, and guns” (319).
On February 2, 1866, the Senate passed the Civil Rights Act, which was “the first federal law to define citizenship” (319). It declared that all citizens had “a right to equal protection under the law” (319). It also extended the Freedmen’s Bureau. A month later, President Johnson vetoed the act. Congress then overrode his veto. Johnson was unable to triumph over the Radical Republicans who dominated Congress. That coterie of politicians next set to work on the 14th and 15th Amendments, which would prevent the disenfranchisement of the newly freed and guarantee equal protection under the law. While drafting the 15th Amendment, however, its architects attempted to include a provision that specified voters as male. Women protested it. Senator Charles Sumner claimed that the nation’s leadership knew how Black men would vote, but not Black women. The matter would be revisited a century later, when Congress debated the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Meanwhile, the fight for women’s rights became one over women’s suffrage.
Additionally, Radical Republicans passed four Reconstruction Acts. President Johnson vetoed all four. Congress overrode all four. The acts “divided the former Confederacy into five military districts, each ruled by a military general” (322). Each former secessionist state had to draft a new constitution to be sent to Congress for approval. Also, each state had to ratify the 14th Amendment to be readmitted to the Union; and, while former Confederate soldiers could not vote, formerly enslaved men could.
However, as the Ku Klux Klan grew, Black enfranchisement was compromised. Black men often went to the polls in groups. Black men also began to fill public offices. In Louisiana, a Black man served, briefly, as governor. In South Carolina, for a time, the legislature was almost entirely Black, as was the ancillary staff. The House initiated impeachment proceedings against Johnson, the first time a president had ever been impeached, “charging him with violating a recently passed Tenure of Office Act” (323).
The 14th Amendment was ratified in the summer of 1868. Black men voted in droves for the Republican presidential nominee Ulysses S. Grant. In 1868, Black and white women, partners in a plan called New Departure, went to the polls and tried to vote. They were arrested. As the decade ended, it became more difficult for Black men to vote.
While Black people, newly freed, sought to become citizens, newly arrived Chinese immigrants sought to achieve the same goal. They had begun arriving in the 1850s, shortly after the gold rush. Most of them were men. They first landed in California, then moved into the Mountain West. They initially worked in mining, but many were forced out of the industry. Some mined into the 1880s, often working at sites that had been abandoned. The Chinese began to settle Boise in 1865 and made up both “a third of Idaho’s settlers and nearly 60 percent of its miners” (325). Their rights, however, were often limited. A provision in Oregon’s 1857 constitution forbade the Chinese from owning property, while California barred them from testifying in court. An 1854 California Supreme Court opinion declared them inherently inferior. Their population, however, continued to grow in the 1860s.
In 1869, the 15th Amendment, intended to guarantee African Americans suffrage, was drafted. It also inspired questions about Chinese citizenship and voting rights. Ultimately, the amendment “neither settled nor addressed the question of whether Chinese immigrants could become citizens” (327). Congress simultaneously passed acts that made it illegal to interfere with Black suffrage. In response, the Ku Klux Klan only stepped up its efforts to restore white supremacy in the South. The 15th Amendment also didn’t address the question of women’s suffrage, though it inspired women to “test the limits of female citizenship not only by voting but also by running for office,” starting with Victoria Woodhull, the first women to run for president (327).
Reconstruction had failed. President Grant, who had served two terms, ended all bids for the presidency in 1876. White Democrats, who called themselves “Redeemers,” succeeded in taking back power in the South, thereby ending Black men’s disenfranchisement through terrorism. Over 3,000 Black men and women were lynched throughout the South between 1882 and 1930. Meanwhile, legislatures passed the first Jim Crow laws, segregating Black people from white people in most public spaces. Tennessee passed the nation’s first Jim Crow law in 1881, enforcing segregated railcars.
Men’s electoral politics became domesticated in this era, while those of women moved into the public arena. At their marches, suffragists used “the sermon, the appeal, the conversion,” all of which would become features of “the modern conservative movement” (332). Republicans hastened to bring the West into the Union, speedily creating new states and passing the Homestead Act, the Pacific Railway Act, and the National Bank Act in 1862. The last paid for the Pacific rail line that would be constructed from Omaha to Sacramento. To open land for the railroad, the federal government suppressed insurrections by indigenous people. The railroads allowed for the cattle industry to grow, as it became possible to carry herds to major Midwestern cities, including Chicago and St. Louis.
These land and railroad projects required massive spending, which led to excessive borrowing, as well as corruption. In 1873, there was a financial disaster. Farmers banded together in response, forming a populist revolt. They demanded “cooperative farming and the regulation of banks and railroads,” as well as “an end to corporate monopolies” (335). They formed the National Farmers’ Alliance in Texas in 1877, but they excluded African Americans, who formed their own alliance—the Colored Farmers’ Alliance.
Finance capitalism was ushering in the Gilded Age, an era of massive economic development in railroads, steel, and agriculture. White workers who revolted against capitalists also raised their fists against Chinese immigrants, resulting in the Chinese Exclusion Act. There were labor strikes in response to wage cuts. President Rutherford B. Hayes sent in federal troops to put them down, resulting in the first use of federal power to support business interests. Between 1881 and 1894, there was typically one massive railroad strike each week. Ironically, corporations began to use the 14th Amendment to define themselves as persons protected from government regulation.
As the suffering of laborers and farmers increased, the populist movement grew. The People’s Party, formed by Henry George and Mary Lease, held its first convention in Kansas in 1890. It became the most successful third party in American history. Their platform was an opposition to monopoly. By the turn of the century, the wealthiest 1% of Americans owned more than half of the nation’s wealth. Despite its advocacy for the lowly, the People’s Party still sought to exclude anyone who was not white from full citizenship. Anti-Semitism was also rife within their ranks. They instituted numerous reforms with the intent of disenfranchising Black people and immigrants, who were less likely to be literate in English. One such reform was the introduction of the Australian ballot—or the secret ballot. Kentucky was the first to adopt it in 1888. Massachusetts adopted it the following year, with the likely intention of trying to suppress the votes of new immigrants who tended be Democrats. Mississippi, in 1890, passed an “Understanding Clause,” which demanded that new voters be well versed in the Constitution. The assumption was that Black voters would not be. Of course, white voters were not either, but they were not required to undergo the oral examination. Suffrage tests and intimidation in the South resulted in stark drops in Black enfranchisement.
Another major populist reform, this one led by William Jennings Bryan, was the income tax. The tax was a means of addressing income inequality. Other planks on the populist platform included the eight-hour workday, public ownership of railroads, and the direct election of US senators, who were then still elected by state legislatures. Female suffrage was not a party concern. In 1892, the Kansas People’s Party, in an effort for survival, merged with the Democratic Party, despite Mary Lease’s opposition. She began leaning further toward socialism anyway. In 1894, Bryan included an income tax amendment in a tariff bill, which passed. The following year, the Supreme Court declared the tax unconstitutional, with one justice calling it an attack against the rich.
As populism rose, the state became a matter of academic study. By the 1860s, universities became secularized and based their construction on the German educational model, which divided colleges and universities into departments and disciplines, instead of having branches of scholarship guided by religion, as they had been previously.
Populism changed the press, too. By the 1880s, the journalist had become a kind of political scientist. Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst turned newspaper journalism into a major business.
Bryan, meanwhile, ran for president against former Ohio governor William McKinley. McKinley ran a new-style campaign, using massive campaign funds, including a donation from John D. Rockefeller, to advertise. Bryan ran an old-style campaign marked by public appearances. McKinley won.
In 1893, American celebrated the anniversary of Columbus’s first voyage to North America with “the largest-ever world’s fair, the Columbian Exposition” (353). A major feature of the fair were human zoos in which 400 indigenous people were on display. There were Black people featured there, too, some of them former slaves. Either they “sold miniature bales of cotton” as souvenirs or were “posed in a fake African village” (355). Three years later, the Supreme Court decided in Plessy v. Ferguson that Jim Crow laws did not violate the Constitution.
This chapter deals with the question of citizenship, particularly the importance of race and gender in determining one’s citizenship and participation in American society.
The Union struggled, particularly, with the integration of African Americans, long viewed as both property and semi-human, as citizens with rights under the law. Lepore undoes a common myth by explaining that the promise of “40 acres and a mule” as reparations to newly freed Southern Black people seemed to be a rumor and not an official Reconstruction policy. While “40 acres and a mule” was supposedly only a rumor, President Lincoln had signed the Homestead Act on May 20, 1862. On January 1, 1863, Daniel Freeman, a Civil War veteran from Illinois, made the first land claim under the act, which allowed American citizens and future citizens up to 160 acres of land. They would receive this parcel of land in exchange for living on the land, cultivating it, and paying a small registration fee. The fee likely eliminated many newly freed African Americans who were penniless. Again, in the Homestead Act, the question of citizenship arose. Who were American citizens, and who were likely to become citizens?
To open land for the Pacific Railroad, the federal government allowed for the slaughter of the buffalo herds on which Western indigenous tribes depended for survival. Lepore does not mention this, but it is implied in her mention of insurrections by indigenous peoples, which were a backlash to encroaching white settlements and flagrant indifference to the treaty rights of indigenous peoples.
President Lincoln’s choice to veto the Wade-Davis Bill was the result, perhaps, of not wishing to dishonor and humiliate the South or to take away the citizenship of former Confederates. Instead, he seemed to treat the Confederacy as wayward children who were to be accepted back into the national fold with forgiveness. This stance aligns with Lincoln’s expressed view on the campaign trail that his wish to end slavery was not the result of any malice toward the Southern way of life, and certainly not the result of a wish to treat Black people as the equals of white people, but to help the nation more faithfully live up to its democratic principles.
Conversely, Lincoln’s successor, Andrew Johnson, demonstrated an allegiance to white supremacy that included a wish to remain as faithful as possible to the antebellum social order. Johnson, who had worked as an indentured servant before becoming a slave owner, professed that he was an advocate for the “common man.” He, like many poor white people, resented the wealthy planters and distrusted Black people. He believed in the formation of a society in which the lowliest white man on the social ladder would still be regarded as “superior” to a Black man of any class. He also believed that the Constitution protected white people’s presumed right to own slaves. Contrary to the Confederates, Johnson disfavored secession and supported Lincoln’s intention to emancipate slaves only as a deterrent to civil war.
The South’s swift institution of the Black Codes in response to Reconstruction underscores the region’s stubborn interest in preserving the antebellum social order—that is, its commitment to hold to a past that it would mythologize and come to revere as idyllic. Lepore describes how Black people were reassimilated into a system of coerced labor with the threat of having their children taken away from them. These forced adoption programs coincided with those that were foisted upon members of indigenous tribes. While the latter policy was aimed at assimilation into the white mainstream, the former policy’s intention was to get Black people to internalize the belief that they existed only to perform manual agrarian labor. To help enforce this system of keeping Black people in place, white vigilante groups, particularly the Ku Klux Klan, arose to instill fear in Black communities and to swiftly punish those who did not abide by the rules of white supremacy.
Meanwhile, women, particularly white women, some of whom had been abolitionists and activists for Black suffrage, now advocated for their own right to vote. Suffragists formed New Departure—a political strategy which claimed that the Constitution granted women suffrage rights. This strategy was ultimately defeated by the Supreme Court, which ruled that, while women were citizens, not everyone who had citizenship was entitled to suffrage rights.
Efforts to disenfranchise the growing Chinese population mirrored oppressive measures used against Black people. The Chinese were refused legal protections and the right to own property—a key building block to prosperity—as they steadily populated the West. In the South, a group of Southern Democrats went by the moniker the “Redeemers” because they sought to redeem the former Confederacy from the control of the federal government and the Radical Republicans. The Redeemers became representative of the Southern Democrats and hastened the failure of Reconstruction as a civil rights initiative.
The People’s Party, a conglomeration of the working class and rural voters, expressed a wish to expand the economic participation of citizens as long as those citizens were white. William Jennings Bryan’s failure to become president was due to either an inability or an unwillingness to modernize his campaign. Additionally, large donations were either inaccessible or objectionable to him, as that would have departed from his image as a simple man of the people. McKinley’s win due to the large donations of men such as Rockefeller was a harbinger of the overwhelming role that big money would come to play in both the course and outcome of campaigns.
Lepore ends this chapter on the rise of modern citizenship with the Columbian Exposition of 1893, which was attended by Frederick Douglass and a then unknown young poet named Paul Laurence Dunbar. The displays that Lepore describes reveal the influences of both scientific racism and imperialism, as well as national nostalgia for the antebellum South. The exposition’s transformation of human beings into spectacles mirrored the human zoos that had become popular in Europe. The convention of dehumanizing nonwhite peoples likely impacted the thinking that led to the Plessy v. Ferguson decision.
During the final decades of the 19th century, a handful of people became enormously wealthy due to industrialism; the middle class received cheaper goods; and a wide swath of people became mired in poverty and misery. The power of the federal government grew as corporations grew. So much of American life became “mass.” The term “mass production” was created in the 1890s. There was also “mass immigration” at the turn of the century, “mass consumption,” and, by 1927, “mass communication” with the invention of the radio. New agencies were formed, including the Coast Guard and the Forest Service. To meet the challenges of the new age, which became known as the Progressive Era, activists created reforms. Their greatest failure, Lepore contends, was the Progressives’ unwillingness to address Jim Crow. Arguably, they supported the system of legal segregation.
Progressivism was rooted in 19th-century populism, but “was the middle-class version: indoors, quiet, passionless” (364). They also championed the same causes as Populists, particularly where big business was concerned. Yet, while Populists advocated for less government, Progressives wanted more, believing that government agencies were essential to reform. Much of the Progressivist ethos came from a Protestant movement called the Social Gospel, which was influenced by Henry George’s book Progress and Poverty.
After losing the 1896 election, William Jennings Bryan devoted himself to the protest of American imperialism. Bryan believed that imperialism was antithetical to “both Christianity and American democratic traditions” (366). Meanwhile, other Progressives, particularly Protestant missionaries, saw opportunities in Cuba and the Philippines to gain more converts.
In 1898, the Spanish-American War began. Newspaper barons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer sided with the Cubans, who had been trying to throw off Spanish colonial rule since 1868. They sent journalists and photographers who worked not only to report on the war but to stir it up. In February 1898, President McKinley sent the USS Maine to Cuba. It exploded in Havana, killing 250 US sailors. Though the explosion was later revealed to be the result of an accident, both Hearst and Pulitzer informed Theodore Roosevelt, then assistant secretary of the navy, that it was no accident. Newspaper readers demanded war. Pulitzer later regretted his role in causing the Spanish-American War, but Hearst did not.
After the war, Cuba became independent, and Spain ceded Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico to the US. Filipinos, however, revolted against American colonial rule after throwing off Spanish rule. McKinley, refusing to recognize Philippine independence “fired on Filipino nationalists” in 1899, thereby initiating the Philippine-American War (367). Bryan organized the Anti-Imperialist League in response. Other members included Andrew Carnegie and Mark Twain.
The Philippine-American War was brutal and involved “the slaughter of Filipino civilians” (367). The annexation of the Philippines caused representatives in Washington to debate citizenship questions once again. Those who favored imperialism in the Philippines argued that Filipinos were unable to govern themselves. Black soldiers who fought in the war saw the connection between colonialism in the Asian country and Jim Crow in the South. Meanwhile, in the North and the West, cities and counties “passed racial zoning laws, banning blacks from the middle-class communities” (369). In Montana, in 1890, Black people had lived in all 56 of the state’s counties. Forty years later, they lived in only 11. In Atlanta, W. E. B. Du Bois saw that the knuckles of Sam Hose, a Black farmer who had been lynched, burned, and dismembered, were being sold as souvenirs in a store window. In response to racist terrorism, hordes of Black Americans decided that they could no longer live in the South. They left the South in what became known as the Great Migration.
When McKinley won the 1896 election, the Democratic Party blamed Bryan, who had failed to account for the fact that an increasing number of people were moving to cities and working in factories and offices. Bryan, who had focused on the rural vote, had not taken account of demographic changes. In 1901, an anarchist shot and killed McKinley in Buffalo. Theodore Roosevelt, who was 42 at the time, “became the nation’s youngest president” (375). Reelected in 1904, Roosevelt moved further to the left and pursued a reformist agenda, which included regulation of the railroads, food and drug laws, and the cessation of child labor. He also endorsed an income tax. Despite the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the income tax law in 1894, public support for the measure came in 1906 when a massive earthquake in San Francisco resulted in major infrastructural damage and the collapse of the insurance companies, due to their inability to pay all claims. The debts spurred a national financial panic.
Roosevelt chose not to run for a third term, and William Howard Taft was elected president in 1908. Taft, who had been a federal judge and would later serve as chief justice on the Supreme Court, supported a constitutional amendment for the income tax which went to the states to be ratified in 1909. The 16th Amendment passed easily and became law in February 1913.
Between 1880 and 1910, over one-quarter of the federal budget went toward welfare payments. Reformers, such as Jane Addams, began “leading a fight for legislative labor reforms for women,” which included limitations on work hours, minimum wages, and the abolition of child labor (377). Critics called these reforms unconstitutional and the Supreme Court often agreed, frequently ruling against Progressive labor legislation. Leftist critics contended that “the courts had become an instrument of business interests,” while conservatives insisted that the courts were just to protect business interests (378). Market forces, the latter believed, would eventually care for the sick and enfeebled. Those who died, as Social Darwinists reasoned, were too weak to survive. For these reasons, Progressivist universal health insurance campaigns were far less successful than those in Britain. Germans had invented the first state health insurance plan in 1883. However, after the US went to war with Germany in 1917, those who were against national health insurance used anti-German sentiment to dissuade the public from embracing the policy.
The simplest way, at the time, to advocate for social welfare was to center the effort on women and children. Women held one-fifth of all manufacturing jobs. Still unable to vote, they relied on the state for protections. State courts had made rulings that protected women as a class, particularly in response to labor exploitation. Usually, these protections focused on women being weaker than men.
As the nation grappled with concerns over the expansion of corporate power and the mechanization of labor, more Americans became socialists. In 1908, over 400,000 people voted for Socialist Party candidate Eugene V. Debs. Three years later, 18 cities had a Socialist mayor, and over 1,000 Socialists held offices in 30 states. The election of 1912, in which Woodrow Wilson won the Democratic nomination, was largely influenced by women and motivated by a Progressivist agenda. Women had achieved suffrage rights in eight states. The word “feminism” had entered the English language in the 1910s, as had the term “birth control,” coined by New York–based nurse Margaret Sanger. Theodore Roosevelt hoped to win the Republican nomination by appealing to women. He mainly availed himself of another Progressivist reform—the direct state primary, which was first held in 1899 and gained popularity in 1905.
Roosevelt’s campaign was a turning point: The focus was on the candidate, not the party. He also used modern advertising to gain a following. Roosevelt won 27% of the vote. However, most of his votes were drawn from Taft supporters, giving Wilson, the ultimate winner, an edge.
In 1914, war broke out in Europe on a scale never before seen. It was a war managed by experts in efficiency “and waged with factory-made munitions” (389). World War I marked the end of Europe as the center of the Western world. The United States would, after the armistice, take the continent’s place. In 1916, 800,000 were killed at the Battle of Verdun over several months; 1.1. million were killed during the Battle at Somme. Civilians were killed, too. For the first time, bombs were dropped from airplanes. Before the end of the war, almost 40 million people had been killed and another 20 million injured. In the aftermath of the war, there was increased anticolonialist sentiment, as well as more conversion to fundamentalism, due to an aversion to the horrors modernity had wrought.
It was fundamentalism that instigated the rejection of Darwinism. Fundamentalists argued that the purpose of a church was “to convert people to Christ by teaching the actual, literal gospel” (390). Progressives mocked fundamentalists for their anti-intellectualism. Fundamentalists argued that intellectuals suppressed conservative opinions.
Meanwhile, women marched for suffrage and for peace. Those who could vote awarded Wilson, who had promised to keep the nation out of the war, a narrow victory: He won 10 out of 12 of the states in which women had suffrage rights. Wilson ignored suffrage during his second term, leading to a vigil outside of the White House. Public support for women’s voting rights dropped. As the nation neared war, criticism of the president began to look like disloyalty. Several days after Wilson’s inauguration, German U-Boats torpedoed three American ships. At the beginning of April, Wilson went to Congress for a declaration of war, saying that the world had to be made safe for democracy. Congress obliged. All American men between the ages of 18 and 45 were to register for the draft; about 5 million were drafted to serve.
To gain public support for the war, Wilson established a propaganda department, the Committee on Public Information, headed by the muckraking journalist George Creel. In 1918, Congress passed a Sedition Act. Dissenters of war, including pacifists, feminists, and socialists, were jailed. Eugene Debs was among them. W. E. B. Du Bois, who had argued that the First World War was rooted in colonial rivalries in Africa, was reined in by Creel, who called 31 Black editors and publishers to Washington and “warned them about ‘Negro subversion’” (396). Du Bois promised not to make any public comments about race relations for the duration of the war. He used his magazine, the Crisis, to encourage Black people to stand “shoulder to shoulder with [their] white fellow citizens,” encouraged Black men to fight, and asked Black people to delay protests against lynchings (396).
The First World War also expanded the powers of the government, which included new powers over the bodies of citizens. A “social purity” movement, geared toward diminishing the spread of venereal disease, started and led to military ordinances. In December 1917, Congress prohibited the sale of alcohol.
By the end of the war, Americans had suffered only 116,000 casualties, while those in France and Germany were nearly 2 million. Europe, which comprised 17 countries before the war, became a continent of 26 nations. All of them were deeply in debt, mainly to Americans. In 1918, an influenza epidemic took 21 million lives globally but only 675,000 in the US.
The Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. Wilson led the Paris Peace Conference in January 1919. Wilson was particularly well received by delegates from “stateless and colonized societies,” including a young Ho Chi Minh, who unsuccessfully tried to meet with him (399). Wilson promoted a rhetoric of self-determination, which fueled the anticolonial movement. W. E. B. Du Bois traveled to Paris four days after Wilson. He was mainly present to attend the Pan-African Congress.
The treaty both suppressed German industry and deprived the nation of managing its own affairs. Additionally, it demanded $33 billion in war reparations. Wilson believed that the newly established League of Nations could address any shortcomings in the treaty. Two days after he returned to the US, Wilson “delivered the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate and explained its provisions, including for the League of Nations” (400). Finding little support for the treaty in Congress, he decided to gain public support by going on a 17-state train tour. One day, in Colorado, he stumbled while climbing onto a stage. He lost the use of his left side after a stroke and lay infirm in the West Wing of the White house for five months. His wife kept his condition secret. In March 1920, the Senate rejected both the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.
In August 1920, the 19th Amendment, “the last constitutional act of the Progressive Era,” was ratified (401). The Equal Rights Amendment was then introduced three years later, leading to a division between early feminists who wanted equal rights and those who supported the maintenance of women under protective legislation.
In the 1920 presidential election, Republican Warren G. Harding triumphed easily over his relatively unknown running mate. Harding rode a conservative wave to the White House. He led a movement to make the Constitution sacred, taking the parchment out of storage and placing it in “a national shrine” (403). Harding also pushed for administrative efficiency in government and lighter tax burdens. He wanted to eliminate government interference in business and peopled his cabinet with conservative businessmen, including industrialist Andrew W. Mellon. Herbert Hoover was secretary of commerce. Harding’s cabinet led the nation during “some of the most prosperous years in American history” (404). Industrial production had risen by 70% between 1922 and 1928. Wages and income had also significantly risen. In the 1920s, more American homes gained electricity. Americans’ faith in progress was wedded to consumerism. The US economy became the world’s largest, as well as the world’s biggest lender. The nation also began to turn inward, placing harsher restrictions on immigration. This left Europe unable to send excess workers across the Atlantic, in addition to being unable to sell their manufactured goods to the US, making it difficult to pay their war debts. European countries responded by raising tariffs, which punished American farmers and manufacturers.
Meanwhile, between 1890 and 1920, around 1.5 million Mexicans entered the US. They were fleeing from the dictator Porfirio Diaz, against whom many had revolted in 1910. Many of them took jobs picking produce after Japanese immigration ended in 1908. In Congress, legislators argued over their immigration, with some contending that they were not easily assimilated and therefore should return to their native country, while others said that no one else would perform the work that Mexican laborers did. Thus, Mexicans were allowed to enter the US on temporary visas, but they were denied a path to citizenship. Their status became closely tied to the “new legal, racialized category of ‘illegal alien’” (410). The US Border Patrol formed in 1924 after the deportation of “illegal aliens” became a policy measure.
The Ku Klux Klan, which had seen a resurgence in 1915, was vocally supportive of immigration restrictions. While white supremacists rewrote the nation’s history as one of white people, Black intellectuals of the Harlem Renaissance drew critical attention to the place of Black people in the nation’s past.
By 1926, American politics had become divided, particularly over interpretations of the Constitution. In 1923, US Army veterans Henry Luce and Briton Hadden decided to found a magazine, which they initially intended to call Facts. They settled instead on Time, which was modeled on Frederick Taylor’s idea of efficiency. The magazine was to save readers time, as all of its articles were to be read in an hour. Luce and Hadden also sorted the magazine into sections, which was unprecedented. Subjectivity in journalism, however, led to errors in print. Time, therefore, established the process of fact-checking. They hired young women, newly graduated from college, to perform this work. Fact-checking was an intense practice at the offices of Time’s chief rival, The New Yorker, edited by former city newspaper reporter Harold Ross. However, The New Yorker was not designed to save readers time.
As part of the nation’s growing divide over matters of fact, a year earlier, Tennessee became the first state to ban the teaching of evolution. John Scopes, a biology teacher, was found guilty of teaching it. The ACLU had been looking to challenge Tennessee’s law, the Act Prohibiting the Teaching of the Evolution Theory, which infringed on free speech. They initially intended to defend Scopes. That plan changed when William Jennings Bryan joined the prosecution, leading Clarence Darrow to agree to defend Scopes.
The Scopes Trial led to a media circus, as well as “dozens of preachers and psalm singers” (416). Bryan sought to put the theory of evolution on trial. The judge sided with him and refused to allow the testimony of biologists. Darrow called Bryan to the witness stand and subjected him to a rigorous cross-examination. The judge later ordered to have Bryan’s testimony expunged from the public record. The jury found Scopes guilty. Five days later, Bryan died, leaving in his wake a legacy of fundamentalism, despite reporters’ mockery of both him and his followers. For Walter Lippmann, the battle between Bryan and Darrow was rooted in how people decided on facts. Did truth arise from faith or reason? More importantly, what happened when the citizens of a democracy could not generally agree on what was true? Would majority rule take precedence? Lippmann stumbled upon a quandary: People of faith could not accept reason “as the arbiter of truth without giving up on faith,” while the person of reason could not accept “that truth lies outside the realm of reason” (419). If citizens disagreed over matters of fact, they would disagree over how to educate their children in public schools.
In this chapter, Lepore describes two key periods of rapid social progress—the Progressive Era and the Roaring Twenties, also sometimes referred to as the Jazz Age. During the Progressive Era, the US experienced mass industrialization and the introduction of federal agencies specifically dedicated to the preservation of natural resources. Negative consequences of this period of reform most notably include the rise of the eugenics movement and, shortly thereafter, the mechanization of war. As Lepore notes, Progressivists failed to address Jim Crow, leading to a rise in lynching as a terrorist tool. She overlooks, however, the relationship between Progressive reform and imperialism. Both the paternalist sentiments of Progressive Era reformers and a common belief in social Darwinism likely led to the notion that some peoples were better off being led by Western nations than being allowed to remain autonomous. Undoubtedly, the exploitation of some countries, particularly in Africa, for their mineral wealth, fomented the growth of industry during this period.
During this time, there was also a shift of many citizens from rural areas to cities. In addition to the African Americans who left the South during the Great Migration—the results of both a desire to escape from racist violence and the devastation of cotton crops due to the boll weevil—many Americans left farms for jobs in offices and factories. The employment of white women in some of these positions led to the use of the 14th Amendment to ensure their protection as a class. The potential problem with this argument, as Lepore suggests, is that these legal protections were rooted in essentialist ideas about sex. Instead of reforming labor protections so that they would address general concerns about workplace safety and the exploitation of labor, particularly when women were the employees, reformers cast women as relatively weaker than men—a position that would be used decades later to stall the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Compromises, such as those that white women may have made for workplace safety at the expense of their civil rights, were also made in racially marginalized communities. W. E. B. Du Bois’s compromise during the First World War, which backfired, may have influenced his later radical politics.
An offshoot of the suffragist movement, the social purity movement was also largely influenced by soldiers returning from the First World War, some of whom had contracted venereal diseases. This resulted in programs to instill uniformity in hygiene and daily habits, which were unprecedented before this war. Industries also catered to the daily needs of deployed soldiers.
The 1920s was a period of both pulsing innovation and social regression. The Harding administration sought to make the Constitution sacred, as though the nation’s prosperity was connected to its foundational principles. Additionally, the US became more inward-looking, reverting to the isolationist stance it took before World War I. The treatment of Mexicans during this period mirrors their contemporary struggles to achieve citizenship status, as well as the nation’s willingness to exploit their labor without offering them a path to citizenship.
The Harlem Renaissance flourished both despite and in response to the rise in white supremacist violence and oppression. Figures from the Harlem Renaissance, who were also often active politically, sought to highlight the integrality of Black culture and Black people to the national heritage while organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan were dedicated to historical erasure and mythologizing. Their efforts to manipulate the national historical narrative were aided by the popularity of D. W. Griffith’s 1915 film The Birth of a Nation, which portrayed the vigilante group as underdogs turned heroes.
By the end of the 1920s, the nation’s optimism seemed limitless. While accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Herbert Hoover declared his belief that poverty would one day come to an end on Earth. American economic growth was an engine that never stopped running. Privately, Hoover worried that Americans mistook him for a kind of superman.
Europe, on the other hand, had fallen into a depression by 1928, still saddled with the consequences of the First World War. Four years later, New York governor Franklin D. Roosevelt stumped for the Democratic nomination, promoting “a new brand of liberalism that borrowed as much from Bryan’s populism as from Wilson’s Progressivism” (428). Roosevelt later heard at the governor’s mansion in Albany that he had secured his party’s nomination for president. He called the convention hall in Chicago and announced that he’d be arriving soon. It was the first time a presidential nominee had ever appeared to accept the nomination. In his acceptance speech, Roosevelt promised Americans “a new deal” (429).
In November, Roosevelt defeated Hoover resoundingly, earning huge margins in both the popular vote and the Electoral College. Roosevelt’s success was partly due to the stock market crash of 1929, which led to the Great Depression. The public seemed to blame Hoover for this economic turndown. After his election, the parties arranged themselves according to their respective position on the New Deal—blue-collar workers, farmers, nonwhite people, liberal intellectuals, and some women and industrialists formed the New Deal coalition. Together, they marked the arrival of a new form of liberalism. Both parties feared that newly enfranchised women would form their own voting bloc; predictably, both set about recruiting women by forming divisions dedicated to that bloc. Carrie Chapman Catt, head of the League of Women Voters, encouraged other women voters to join one of the major political parties instead of forming their own party, believing that it would be easier to get things done by working within existing frameworks. More women became Democrats than Republicans, however.
The nation, sinking under the Great Depression, collectively believed that the economic crisis was so serious that only a president with “the powers of a dictator,” thereby overruling congressional obstructionism, could address it (433). On the matter of dictators, the world watched Germany. American reporters had not initially taken Hitler seriously. On January 30, 1933, he proved them wrong when he was appointed chancellor of Germany. Joseph Goebbels, the head of the newly established Ministry of Propaganda, noted in his diary two months later that broadcasting in Germany was controlled completely by the state. Hitler next outlawed all political parties except for the Nazi Party and withdrew from the League of Nations. Jews who tried to flee to the US were burdened by a German law that forbade them from withdrawing more than a few dollars, and American immigration laws that forbade the entrance of anyone who might become the citizenry’s responsibility.
In the US, bank and business failures were at their zenith. Both the New York Stock Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade suspended trading. The Emergency Banking Act declared that banks would only be opened once they proved to be financially sound.
High rates of unemployment ensured that more Americans would be at home listening to the radio. Some also became more attracted to distributive economic policies. During the Great Depression, around 75,000 Americans joined the Communist Party. Also in the 1930s, bipartisan concern rose over arms manufacturers. Americans had always owned guns, and states had regulated their production, sale, and storage. It was illegal to carry concealed weapons in many Southern states, including Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. In the West, sheriffs routinely collected visitors’ guns.
In 1871, the National Rifle Association (NRA) was founded “as a sporting and hunting association” by a former New York Times reporter (445). In the 1920s and 1930s, the NRA both supported and sponsored firearms regulation by lobbying for state gun control laws that
[t]axed the private ownership of automatic weapons (‘machine guns’), mandated licensing for handgun dealers, introduced waiting periods for handgun buyers, required permits for anyone wishing to carry a concealed weapon, and created a licensing system for dealers (445).
Firearms legislation passed in 1934 and 1938 “enjoyed bipartisan support” and was upheld by the Supreme Court (446). Business interests, particularly members of the du Pont family, opposed both gun control legislation and New Deal legislation. In July 1934, they convened with fellow businessmen “in the offices of General Motors in New York, where they founded a ‘propertyholders’ [sic] association’ to oppose the New Deal” (446). This later became the American Liberty League, which particularly objected to Social Security.
Also by 1934, Josef Goebbels, hoping to sow division in the US via radio, broadcast pro-Nazi English- and foreign-language propaganda to parts of Africa, Latin America, East and Southeast Asia, and Australia. In North America, particularly the US, it sent false news in English which focused on claims that there was a Communist-Jewish conspiracy at work in the nation. Newspapers began calling this propaganda “fake news.” Roosevelt, too, had been accused of using the radio to propagandize. On June 27, 1936, Roosevelt accepted the Democratic nomination for the presidency.
The failure of Hoover’s presidency, as Lepore depicts it, reveals the problem of leadership. By this time, Americans seemed to believe that a president alone could guarantee both prosperity and safety—a myth perpetuated by Warren G. Harding, yet initiated by earlier expansions of executive power, which turned the presidency into a cult of personality.
The ascendancy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt resulted in the creation of a new cult of personality that effectively united the two major political parties. Like William Jennings Bryan, Roosevelt had the ability to connect with those who were ideologically opposed to him. On the other hand, Hoover’s choice to continue Harding’s legacy of keeping the government out of business affairs, instead of addressing the Great Depression, tarnished his legacy. He failed to tailor his policy platform to the urgency of the economic crisis. This resulted in the creation of a new Democratic Party—one that was less rural, more cosmopolitan, and more diverse. The instability of the era also led numerous Western nations to see comfort, however illusory, in authoritarian power. Roosevelt harnessed the power of the radio, aided by the nation’s idleness, to disperse his message and to wield his own overwhelming paternalist authority, however benevolent.
What may be most striking to the contemporary reader is the nation’s shift in its attitudes toward gun rights since this period. Ironically, it was the South and the West—that is, the regions that are now most fervently against gun control—that most often sought gun legislation. Lepore illustrates how powerful corporations, even during a period of Big Business’s unpopularity, sought to manipulate public opinion. It is possible, too, that growing concerns about communism and a burgeoning civil rights movement among African Americans led to the kind of fears among many white Americans that would have encouraged the ownership of firearms.
In 1939, the World’s Fair was held in Queens, New York. The fair’s centerpiece was the Perisphere—a globe that stood 18 stories high and was 200 feet in diameter. Inside of the globe was a Democracity exhibit, which showed spectators a replica of a world a century in the future, in which highways would carry people from suburbs into cities. RCA, which introduced the new technology of television, announced the opening of the fair on April 30, 1939, on NBC, which had its first broadcast that day. However, the exhibit was obsolete even before it was introduced: Austria and Czechoslovakia, which were featured in the pavilions, no longer existed. In fact, Germany had conquered half of the European nations represented at the World’s Fair.
On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, leading Britain and France to declare war on Germany. Some believed that, had the US joined the League of Nations after the First World War, another war could have been averted. Franklin D. Roosevelt focused on planning for war, despite both Congress and the public preferring an isolationist stance. However, when civil war broke out in Spain in 1936, around 3,000 American citizens volunteered to fight against Francisco Franco’s fascist-supported regime. Still, the following year a Gallup poll showed that most Americans had little interest in events in Spain. Ostensible American indifference emboldened Nazi Germany. Moreover, Hitler believed that Americans were too self-centered and easily distracted to notice what he did in Europe.
In 1938, FDR planned for the US to manufacture planes for Britain and France. He also worked toward building an American air force with 10,000 aircraft, believing it was in the nation’s best interests to support its allies and prepare American forces. Secretly, the president worried about German chemists’ discovery of nuclear fission that year.
Meanwhile, Nazi propagandists sought to align themselves with white Southerners. Radio personality Father Coughlin preached anti-Semitism in 1937 and expressed admiration for Hitler. In turn, the German chancellor expressed admiration for the former Confederacy and lamented its defeat. Coughlin’s audience answered his call to form a new political party called the Christian Front. Shortly thereafter, 20,000 Nazi supporters gathered in Madison Square Garden wearing both swastikas and American flags, claiming that they were demonstrating for “True Americanism.”
Most of those who favored an isolationist stance were Republican. Some of FDR’s opponents worried that, if Britain surrendered, the Germans could seize American munitions. On May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill became prime minister and eagerly worked to court Roosevelt’s support, as Britain could not defeat Germany without American backing. Shortly thereafter, Roosevelt was reelected to his third term. He took to the radio and asked manufacturers to put all of their effort into munitions production. Britain, however, was both outgunned by Germany and out of money. To assist them, FDR offered the Lend-Lease Act—the US would lend arms to Britain in exchange for long-term land leases for military bases. Congress passed the act. During his annual address to Congress the following year, he announced that the US had to secure the “‘four essential freedoms’: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear” (480). A couple of months later, Hitler ignored his agreement with Joseph Stalin and invaded the Soviet Union. By then, Germany had taken all of Europe, except for Britain and Ireland. Japan, meanwhile, had taken almost half of China. Ohio Republican senator Robert Taft warned prophetically that American entry into the war would mean, ultimately, that the United States “will have to maintain a police force perpetually in Germany and throughout Europe” (482).
Churchill maintained hope that FDR would ask Congress to declare war. That summer, Churchill and FDR released a joint statement saying that they would support a postwar world characterized by “free trade, self-determination, international security, arms control, social welfare, economic justice, and human rights” (483). Their agreement became known as the Atlantic Charter.
On December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy “sank four battleships, destroyed nearly 200 American planes, killed more than 2,400 Americans, and wounded another 1,100” (483-84). In doing so, they practically eliminated the entire US Pacific Fleet. Shortly thereafter, FDR gave a rousing speech in which he called on the might of the American people to respond. Congress responded by declaring war on Japan. Roosevelt also planned for the nation to declare war on Germany, but on December 11, Hitler preempted Roosevelt by declaring war on the US.
Thirty-one million men between the ages of 18 and 45 registered to enlist; 10 million were deemed eligible to serve. Three million women entered the war effort, too. Some were in the labor force, while others joined the Women’s Army Corps and the US Navy’s WAVES. By 1945, 12 million Americans were active-duty service members. The nation had been preparing munitions since the 1930s, ramping up a massive supply of military planes, tanks, naval ships, and machine guns. Farm production also increased by 25% to supply both American and Allied forces. The federal budget grew from $9 billion in 1939 to $100 billion in 1945, and the gross domestic product (GDP) doubled.
Following in President Lincoln’s footsteps, FDR claimed a range of new, emergency war powers. He removed the secretaries of war and the navy from the military chain of command and placed them under his own authority. Congress next passed the War Powers Act, which gave the executive branch “special powers to prosecute the war, including the power to surveil letters, telegraph messages, and radio broadcasts” (487). In March 1942, a Second War Powers Act was passed, which granted the president authority over special investigations and census reports, in addition to establishing the National War Labor Board and the Office of Price Administration. The act gave the executive branch considerable control over both the economy and the federal government.
In 1943, the Pentagon opened, increasing the number of civil servants in federal government to 3.8 million in two years. More bureaucracy meant more spending, which increased the national debt. To meet costs, the government raised taxes and asked citizens to buy war bonds. The Revenue Act of 1942 broadened the tax base. Memberships in trade unions doubled from 1939 to 1945. The Manhattan Project, a secret federal plan to develop an atomic bomb, started in 1939. It cost $2 billion and employed 130,000 people. FDR then issued an executive order to establish the Office of Facts and Figures, headed by writer Archibald MacLeish, whom the president had earlier named Librarian of Congress. MacLeish focused his efforts on battling Nazi propaganda through a pamphlet issued to the American public.
MacLeish decided to use the Office of Facts and Figures to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Bill of Rights in 1941 with a radio play entitled We Hold These Truths, “broadcast eight days after the attack on Pearl Harbor” (490). It was the first radio show to be broadcast on all four major networks. Roosevelt later replaced the Office of Facts and Figures with the Office of War Information, led by CBS reporter and former Coca-Cola ad manager Elmer Davis, who was more willing to apply mass advertising to the war effort. MacLeish returned to the Library of Congress.
Roosevelt, with an eye toward eventual peace, invited Winston Churchill to the White House for Christmas in 1941. Together they planned a new organization which FDR named the “United Nations.” Ironically, it was Republican Wendell Willkie, the future vanquished presidential opponent of Harry Truman, who raised public support for the new organization. China and the Soviet Union joined it with the US and Britain. Together, they became known as the Big Four. By January 2, 26 nations signed the “Declaration by United Nations.” The Big Four then planned the military strategy of bombing Germany and then landing in France.
In 1942, much of American fighting in the Second World War took place in the Pacific arena. American forces defeated the Japanese in the Solomon Islands during the Battle of Guadalcanal. On American soil, however, the federal government had begun to place American citizens of Japanese ancestry in internment camps due to a 1934 report from the State Department warning about “the possibility of sabotage by Japanese Americans” (493). Five years later, FDR asked the FBI to gather a list of possible traitors, all of whom were categorized based on their respective level of danger.
On February 19, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, “authorizing the secretary of war to establish military zones” (493). On March 1, the US Army “issued Public Proclamation 1 […] directing aliens to demarcated zones,” entailing curfews and relocation orders (494). Around 112,000 Japanese people, including 79,000 citizens, were forced into internment camps along the Pacific coast and in Arizona. Gordon Hirabayashi, an American citizen and Quaker, refused to obey the curfew, resulting in the Supreme Court case Hirabayashi v. United States (1943), which declared that the curfew was constitutional. However, even Justice Frank Murphy, who concurred with the ruling, regretted it, saying that the notion that a group could not assimilate into the national fabric meant admitting that “the great American experiment has failed” (495).
Meanwhile, Fred Korematsu, who had been born in Oakland, California, in 1919, had tried to enlist in the military. He refused to be relocated and lived instead with his Italian American girlfriend. He even got plastic surgery to acquire more ethnically European features, eventually pretending that he was Mexican American. Finally, he went into hiding. The ACLU defended him in the case that became Korematsu v. United States. Using Hirabayashi as a precedent, the Supreme Court emphasized the potential danger posed “by possible Japanese saboteurs who might aid a Japanese attack on the West Coast” (495).
The Japanese were not alone in the experience of discrimination. While the wartime economic boom lifted many Americans out of poverty, African Americans were excluded from any opportunities to prosper. They also “served in segregated, noncombat units, where they reported to white officers and did menial work” (496). In the US Navy, they served “as cooks and stewards and were altogether forbidden from serving in the air force or marine corps” (496). In response, several sit-ins were conducted in 1939. In May 1941, A. Philip Randolph, the head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, put out a call for a Negro March on Washington set to take place in July. Over 100,000 marchers were expected. Eleanor Roosevelt met with Randolph and Bayard Rustin, his co-organizer, in New York with the hope that Randolph would call off the march. The First Lady then arranged for Randolph to meet with FDR at the White House. The president, too, tried to convince him to call off the demonstration. To appease civil rights activists, FDR signed Executive Order 8802, “prohibiting racial discrimination in defense industries” (498). Randolph relented and called off the march. However, protests continued, particularly when Black men and women refused to obey Jim Crow on buses. Some, such as Martin Dies of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and FBI head J. Edgar Hoover, blamed communists for inciting subversion among Black Americans in the South.
In February 1942, white residents in Detroit “barricaded the streets when the first black families moved in to a public housing project, the Sojourner Truth Homes” (499). In August, rumors of a white police officer killing a Black service member led to riots that lasted for two days. FDR, who still depended on Southern Democrats to move civil rights legislation forward in Congress, created toothless measures that left enforcement at the discretion of states. In 1944, Gunnar Myrdal, a Swedish sociologist, published An American Dilemma, a study of race in the US. There was, Myrdal found, tension between “the American creed of human rights and personal liberty and, on the other, racial injustice” (500).
By 1943, the tide of the war had turned in favor of the Allied Forces. In July of that year, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin—then called the “Big Three”—met in Tehran to discuss their campaign against Germany and their postwar plan of international cooperation. Roosevelt gave Stalin further details about the United Nations. Churchill began to feel betrayed by FDR’s repeated meetings with Stalin. Domestically, Roosevelt spoke more about the UN’s developing commitment to human rights. In January 1944, Roosevelt unveiled his Second Bill of Rights. He emphasized certain “economic truths” as “self-evident,” declaring that citizens should be guaranteed remunerative work, decent housing, adequate medical care, and a good education (503). By 1943, however, Congress had whittled down many New Deal programs. Others became headed by conservatives.
In 1945, Martin Dies reconvened HUAC and began to search for and investigate more liberals suspected of communism. Conservatism gained strength, particularly in regard to the issue of taxation.
On June 6, 1944, the Allies conducted D-Day to liberate Europe. One million men participated in the invasion on the Normandy coast. It was “the largest seaborne invasion in history” (505). With the help of the French Resistance, the Allies defeated the Germans, while the Soviets pushed them back from the east—in concordance with the plan that had been organized in Tehran. In July 1944, the Allies met to discuss postwar peace, which emphasized Keynesianism, particularly free trade and open markets. The World Bank was established.
By the end of the war, FDR had become haggard. Still, he agreed to travel halfway around the world for a summit with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. In the end, alongside Churchill, the three men agreed to a division of Germany “into zones of occupation and to the prosecution of Nazi war criminals” (510). Three months later, Germany surrendered. Japan followed suit six months later. However, before both surrenders, Stalin had already started to renege on his pledges at the Yalta Conference. To secure Stalin’s support in his fight against Japan, FDR betrayed the principles established in the Atlantic Charter.
On April 12, while sitting for a portrait in Warm Springs, Georgia, Franklin Delano Roosevelt collapsed and then died that afternoon of a cerebral hemorrhage. Three days later, he was buried at his home in Hyde Park, New York. On the same day, CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow delivered his first report of a Nazi concentration camp. The scale of the Nazis’ atrocities was virtually unknown in many parts of the West. Six million Jewish people and other ethnic minorities, including Roma people, homosexuals, and the disabled, were murdered in concentration camps. The public would not learn about the extent of the genocide until years later.
As Allied Forces closed in on the Axis Powers, Italian partisans found Benito Mussolini on April 28, “shot him down, and dumped his body on the street, where a mob urinated on it, and hung him by his heels” (513). Hitler committed suicide in a Berlin bunker two days later, and Germany surrendered on May 7. Meanwhile, Josef Stalin began to assert claims over territory that Hitler had conquered. Though he had promised free elections in Poland at the Yalta Conference, he reneged on that pledge by spring. On June 25, President Truman “attended the founding conference of the United Nations in San Francisco” (514). He still had to figure out how to end the war with Japan. He contemplated the use of the atomic bomb, despite the opposition of 70 scientists who had worked on the Manhattan Project. The public had no knowledge of this technology. On August 6, the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Three days later, it dropped another on Nagasaki. Finally, Japan surrendered, thereby ending the war.
In this chapter, Lepore introduces a world that would have been barely recognizable 50 years earlier, one with new and frightening technologies, as well as shifting borders due to the incomplete work of the First World War. In the end, borders would continue to shift, as the Iron Curtain fell at the close of the Second World War, leading to what seemed to be an impermeable division between the capitalist West and the Soviet East. Additionally, this new world order signaled the introduction of the both the military-industrial complex that then general and future president Dwight D. Eisenhower would later warn against and the advent of the World Bank, which would be criticized for its failure to secure the free and fair trade that Roosevelt and Churchill promised in their Atlantic Charter. The Lend-Lease Act, for example, was a prelude to the permanent US military installations that exist to date in foreign nations.
This sense of incompletion was partly due to failed diplomatic and economic policies that facilitated the rise of Nazi Germany, which found sympathizers in the US, particularly in the South. Nazi sympathizers and propagandists, aided by the popularity of Father Coughlin, tried to harness the power of the radio to disperse their anti-Semitic, white supremacist agenda. Conversely, Roosevelt continued to harness the medium to support the war effort.
As part of his war effort, Roosevelt presented an annual address to Congress that was intended to bolster the nation’s core values. The irony of these speeches was that the freedoms he delineated did not typically apply to nonwhite citizens. The president’s hypocrisy during this period was especially evident in his choice to intern and stigmatize Japanese Americans. His choice to focus on this group and not on German Americans or Italian Americans was due both to the American focus on the Pacific arena and the lingering influence of ideas about race that were established in earlier immigration laws. These laws, some of which had been instituted only 20 years earlier, separated people of non-European ethnic descent from those who were determined to be white. The cruel irony was that American soldiers would soon be liberating concentration camps in Europe, but the nation was maintaining its own camps in the western United States. Lepore correlates the experience of Japanese Americans with the relegation of African Americans to menial work during the Second World War. This included, too, their exclusion from many of the benefits of the G.I. Bill, which was key both in educating veterans and in securing their entry into the middle- and upper-middle classes.
The Second World War and the importance of media, particularly film, were especially key in helping Roosevelt extend his war powers. His efforts to pass New Deal legislation and to convince Congress to go to war, and his dominance of the radio, were markers of his extensive authoritative power. Like Abraham Lincoln, he used war to extend the power of the executive office and to inscribe his personality on the presidency. Meanwhile, Archibald MacLeish, following a precedent established by Warren G. Harding, tried to buoy American spirits by reminding the public of its noble democratic lineage. Unfortunately, the public’s means of consuming media had changed and attention spans were shorter, which likely influenced the president’s decision to use an ad man to convey his messages—increasingly propagandist in nature—to the public.
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