45 pages • 1 hour read
Content Warning: This section references child murder, racist stereotypes, and misogyny.
“Being much addicted to women and the pleasures of the table, he sought by his affability, to produce agreeable companions; and he succeeded the better as his generosity was unbounded and his indulgences unrestrained: for he did not think, with the Caliph Omar Ben Abdalaziz that it was necessary to make a hell of this world to enjoy paradise in the next.”
This is the key to Vathek’s character and establishes The Dangers of Excess. Even before his fall from faith begins in earnest, he spends his time not on religious matters but on enjoyments and pleasures. Even his generosity is in pursuit of self-satisfaction, bringing pleasant people and company to Vathek.
“This menace was accompanied by one of the Caliph’s angry and perilous glances, which the Stranger sustained without the slightest emotion; although his eyes were fixed on the terrible eye of the Prince.”
This is the first appearance of Vathek’s “terrible eye,” which frightens his enemies into submission. The episode suggests both Vathek’s resistance to self-reflection and the Stranger’s power. Most people are devastated by Vathek’s glare; the Stranger shows his supernatural origins through his nonreaction.
“Carathis, apprehensive of leaving Vathek to himself, had him put to bed; and, seating herself by him, endeavoured by her conversation to appease and compose him. Nor could any one have attempted it with better success; for the Caliph not only loved her as a mother, but respected her as a person of superior genius. It was she who had induced him, being a Greek herself, to adopt the sciences and systems of her country which all good Mussulmans hold in such thorough abhorrence.”
Carathis’s introduction establishes all the major facets of her character. She is solicitous of her son, eloquent and persuasive, and unequivocally tied to dark arts. The directness of this introduction also exposes a facet of her character, as Carathis acts directly and usually without pretense. By “the sciences and systems of her country,” Beckford seems to refer not to classical knowledge (which was in any case widely studied throughout the Muslim world), but rather to the dark arts, associating these with Greece in an example of Orientalism.
“‘It is this, my lord,’ rejoined the old man: ‘Woe to the rash mortal who seeks to know that of which he should remain ignorant; and to undertake that which surpassed his power!’”
The words on the saber are an early warning of the dangers of engaging with the Stranger. The message is in tension with Vathek’s curiosity and desire for self-aggrandizement, and it foreshadows how those traits will lead to his ruin. The sabers also symbolize the discrepancy between Appearance Versus Reality, as their original, pleasing message later morphs into this cautionary one.
“Every foot was up and aimed at the Indian, and no sooner had any one given him a kick, than he felt himself constrained to reiterate the stroke.”
The mob mentality that comes over the court and drives its members to excessive violence exposes the human mind’s susceptibility to the influence and control of outside forces. That their actions are collective underscores that all humans are vulnerable to these kinds of emotional excesses.
“For it is but just that men, who so often arrogate to their own merit the good of which they are but instruments, should also attribute to themselves absurdities which they could not prevent.”
“The unhappy Caliph, instigated by insatiable curiosity; lavished his promises in the utmost profusion.”
Vathek’s nature drives him to the Stranger. Greed, gluttony, and curiosity characterize Vathek, and it is through these “sinful” characteristics that he is exploited. This presents his future actions as inherently selfish; he is willing to promise the Stranger he will kill innocent people to achieve satisfaction.
“Their eyes sparkled with a joy, which those of their fond parents reflected. Every one offered wishes for the little candidate nearest his heart, and doubted not of his being victorious. A breathless suspence awaited the contest of these amiable and innocent victims.”
The partygoers waiting, excited for a prize that will never come, foreshadows Vathek’s own fate. Just like the boys and their parents, Vathek meets his doom just when he believes he will be rewarded. Also like the boys, he was set on his path by his parent.
“This Princess was so far from being influenced by scruples, that she was as wicked, as woman could be; which is not saying a little; for the sex pique themselves on their superiority, in every competition. The recital of the Caliph, therefore, occasioned neither terror nor surprize to his mother.”
Though it is Vathek who has just killed 50 children, Carathis is the one described as “wicked.” The narrative continues to blame Carathis for both her own and her son’s actions throughout. This attribution of blame foreshadows Carathis’s descent to the subterranean palace, which is Vathek’s way of punishing her for setting him on his path.
“‘Come; come’ returned Carathis, ‘be not so squeamish; but help me to arrange everything properly; and you shall see that, what you reject with such symptoms of disgust, will soon complete your felicity.”
Carathis and Vathek’s respective roles are emphasized here. While Vathek is the driving, all-consuming desire behind their pursuit of the subterranean palace, Carathis is the organized planner. It is Carathis who pushes Vathek forward on his path to damnation.
“‘They are very kind, you must allow, so soon to forget the wrongs you have done them; but that is of little moment. Let us offer them to the Giaour,—let them come up; our mutes, who neither want strength nor experience, will soon dispatch them; exhausted as they are, with fatigue.’—
‘Be it so,’ answered the Caliph, ‘provided we finish, and I dine.’”
The loyalty of the people of Samarah means nothing to Carathis and Vathek, concerned as they are about achieving their own goals. Their lack of care for the people they are responsible for—their willingness to use them as human fodder—makes clear the lengths they will go to in order to earn the Stranger’s favor.
“All was in motion at the palace; lights were kept burning through the whole of the night: the sound of implements, and of artizans finishing their work; the voices of women, and their guardians, who sung at their embroidery: all conspired to interrupt the stillness of nature, and infinitely delighted the heart of Vathek who imagined himself going in triumph to sit upon the throne of Soliman.”
Vathek sees the treasures of the subterranean palace as the ultimate achievement in his lifelong search for the beautiful and pleasing. Even though he has an entire palace working to please him and meet his whims, his joy comes from imagining the even greater pleasures he could have.
“He thundered even louder than the elements; and muttered forth certain hints of the bow-string which were not very soothing to literary ears.”
Vathek’s emotions mirror the intensity of the weather. As fervently as he wants to continue his journey, the power of the storm prevents him. Ironically, though Vathek rages, the storm prevents him from progressing further on the road to damnation, not wonder.
“The little pages, famished with hunger, had dropped their fans on the ground and exerted their dying voices, in bitter reproaches on the Caliph; who now, for the first time, heard the language of truth.”
Vathek has never had to confront the consequences of his actions, having been protected from them by Carathis and Morakanabad. Though he now hears the truth, he does not come to any realizations about himself. Instead, he curses the Stranger, blaming outside forces instead of his own decisions for his struggles.
“Vathek, in the midst of this curious harangue, seized the basket; and, long before it was finished, the fruits had dissolved in his mouth. As he continued to eat, his piety increased; and, in the same breath, he recited his prayers and called for the Koran and sugar.”
Vathek’s desire for personal satisfaction motivates him even when moving toward faith. He embraces religion because it has met his physical needs, not out of spiritual fulfillment. Vathek’s choices are always rooted in the material world, making his allegiance easily bought.
“The looks of tender languor; their confidential whispers; and the enchanting smiles with which they were imparted; the exquisite fragrance of the roses: all combined to inspire a voluptuousness, which even Bababalouk himself was scarce able to withstand.”
The harem’s description as a place of seduction echoes common Orientalist ideas of Eastern culture. The eroticization of this space—in reality, simply the living quarters of the female members of a household—adds an “exotic” sexualization to the story’s atmosphere. It also frames the women as tempters and seducers.
“The falling waters filled his soul with dejection, and his tears trickled down the jasmines he had caught from Nouronihar, and placed in his inflamed bosom. He snatched up a few shining pebbles, to remind him of the scene where he felt the first tumults of love.”
Though this appears to show Vathek’s tender side, his reaction to Nouronihar’s “death” closely resembles his reaction to the disappearance of the Stranger. Each time Vathek is denied something he wants, his entire world ceases to function. While he seems to be crying for Nouronihar, he’s really crying because he can’t have Nouronihar.
“The women were importunate in seconding the intreaty; but the curiosity of the emir’s daughter prevailed. She not only refused to go back, but resolved, at all hazards, to pursue the appearance.”
This exemplifies the destructive nature of curiosity within the narrative. Nouronihar scorns her companions to indulge her desire to obtain knowledge she would be better off without. This leads her to the vision of the subterranean palace, paralleling the way that curiosity led Vathek to the wonders of the palace.
“No! she will be wise enough to answer that passion alone, that can aggrandize her glory.”
In this temptation of Nouronihar, the seductive nature of the subterranean palace emerges. Encouraging her in excesses of emotion, the palace convinces her that she will not only gain wealth and power but will also make the wisest decision. Flattery is an effective weapon of the subterranean palace.
“One week passed away, on the side of the lake, unmarked by any variety: Nouronihar ruminating on the grandeur of which death had deprived her; and Gulchenrouz applying to prayers and basket-making with the dwarfs, who infinitely pleased him.”
The divide between the cousins grows as they begin to live out their “death.” Both are now set on their respective paths. Gulchenrouz, whom the Genius will save, has contented himself with the joys of their hideaway, while Nouronihar cannot let go of the idea that she could have had more.
“The night was uncommonly dark, and a pestilential blast blew from the plain of Catoul, that would have deterred any other traveller however urgent the call: but Carathis enjoyed most whatever filled others with dread.”
“There is nothing so delicious, in his [the Stranger’s] estimation, as the heart of a delicate boy palpitating with the first tumults of love.”
When Carathis speaks this line, she shows how in tune she is with the Stranger’s desires. It also sets up a contrast between Carathis, Vathek, and Nouronihar’s desires and those of Gulchenrouz and the other boys. That the Stranger so enjoys eating these hearts implies they are especially pure.
“Remote from the inquietudes of the world; the impertinence of harems, the brutality of eunuchs, and the inconstancy of women; there he found a place truly congenial to the delights of his soul. In this peaceable society his days, months, and years glidden; nor was he less happy than the rest of his companions: for the genius, instead of burthening his pupils with perishable riches and vain sciences, conferred upon them the boon of perpetual childhood.”
Gulchenrouz has reached a higher plane of existence, which serves as a narrative device to expound upon the things that cause evil within the world. The passage clarifies the real issue with the things that Vathek desires: They are not lasting and not fulfilling, and obtaining them will not offer any real happiness.
“Know, miserable prince! thou art now in the abode of vengeance and despair. Thy heart, also, will be kindled like those of the other votaries of Eblis.”
This is the final damnation of Vathek—the culmination of all his evil actions. Now that he has lost everything, it is clear that Vathek was neither special nor lucky for having been courted by the Stranger. He is like so many others who have been tempted, and his rank and power will not save him.
“Such was, and such should be, the punishment of unrestrained passions and atrocious deeds! Such shall be, the chastisement of that blind curiosity, which would transgress those bounds the wisdom of the Creator has prescribed to human knowledge; and such the dreadful disappointment of that restless ambition, which, aiming at discoveries reserved for beings of a supernatural order, perceives not, through its infatuated pride, that the condition of man upon earth is to be humble and ignorant.”
The novella’s final lines synthesize its major themes of the dangers of excess and appearance versus reality into a moral conclusion. The narrative’s purpose becomes clear, the fall of Vathek, illustrating the wisdom of this final statement.
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